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[#meta: I’m missing a place here, where I can quickly drop an idea or a thought. I initially thought of making this a CoffeCorner discussion, but then went for the blog-option. Do let me know your thoughts on that as well!]

Thinking out loud: It would be nice to have a "SFW5 - switch-switcher",  quickly outline now:

Assume I have a few addons, that are part of packages, which are assigned to switches (SFW1), which are assigned to Business Functions (SFW5).

Let's call them

  • Y_addon_1

  • Y_addon_2

  • Y_addon_3

  • Y_addon_n


We can assume the naming package = switch  = business function for simplicity. Oh, and the Business Functions are set to be reversible!

Now I would like to have a report (or something) that does the following:

  1. Take the first addone, got to sfw5

  2. (assuming it is turned on:) turn it off, activate (the de-activation :-)).

  3. Wait for (de)activation to finish.

  4. do [some Tests]

  5. go back to sfw5 and turn it on again.

  6. [maybe run another test]

  7. repeat with the next Business Function.

The [some Tests] part could be running eCatts, or just calling some business transactions (e.g. VA01, LT12..) -> see if they compile all right, or if they dump with a Syntax error.


The reason I want to do this, is testing/finding errors.

When writing the addon, I might have accidentally assigned some objects to another package -> so when switching off, some objects might stay on, causing syntax (or semantical?) errors - I'd like to find those.


Further uses might be to not only turn off-and on one by one, but also test if combinations still work fine. (There are 2^n possible combinations, where n is the number of Business-Functions).

We probably also should remember the initial switch-state (what is on, what is off), and anways be able to return to that.


So, some Questions:

  • Does such a thing already exist maybe?

  • ...or parts of it? Is there an interface (e.g. a class), to SFW5, which I can use in ABAP (or elsewhere e.g. SCP).

  • - would you see use for such a tool in your work?

  • - would a good package structure (se21) including enforcement via Package Checks make it superfluous? (I'm sure it would help to not accidently assigning something to a wrong package; but the tool might still be helpful for finding bugs in different switch constellations).


let me know your thoughts!

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