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Dear community, after a sunny weekend, I can happily announce that spring has arrived in Germany. Suitable for that event I would like to talk about feelings. In particular about the feelings for the programming language we use every day, the 6502 assembly language. Just a joke, of course it's ABAP 🙂

I hope you love it as I do. A lot of time has passed since the first report I saw. ABAP has changed and has always surprised me. Compared to some bad moments, there were an incredible number of great moments and always something new to discover. I think everyone of you knows this feeling very well when you write your source code and it works. Or the pleasure of having searched for an error for hours and finally found it. Of course this does not just apply to ABAP but to any programming language (especially if you spend some time with brain<censored>). In the case of ABAP, it definitely helped me a lot to understand the SAP ERP software because I could take a look behind the scenes. In short, it's great to work with it. By the way, one can also live from his work as ABAP developer 🙂

So here is my idea: Show your enthusiasm for ABAP in any creative way. Draw a picture, write a little program, work with LEDs, use LEGO bricks or whatever you can think of. Alone or in a team. The most important thing is you have fun. And please share your artworks here (thank you in advance).

Here is my contribution made of HAMA beads (not only LEGO is now for adults):



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