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Here an example how to us Single Sign On (SSO) with CCo. In the function RfcGetPartnerSSOTicket - the name is equivalent to the function in the NWRFC library - I use the ABAP function module SUSR_CHECK_LOGON_DATA to get the ticket. With this ticket is it now easy possible to log on to other systems. In my example I log on to another system and to the same system again.

Option Explicit

Const RFC_OK = 0

Function RfcGetPartnerSSOTicket(SAP, hRFC, UserID, PassWd)

Dim rc, hFuncDesc, hFunc, Ticket

hFuncDesc = SAP.RfcGetFunctionDesc(hRFC, "SUSR_CHECK_LOGON_DATA")
If hFuncDesc = 0 Then
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
Exit Function
End If

hFunc = SAP.RfcCreateFunction(hFuncDesc)
If hFunc = 0 Then
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
Exit Function
End If

rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hFunc, "AUTH_METHOD", "P")
rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hFunc, "USERID", UserID)
rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hFunc, "PASSWORD", PassWd)

Ticket = Space(2048)
If SAP.RfcInvoke(hRFC, hFunc) = RFC_OK Then
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hFunc, "TICKET", Ticket, 2048)
End If

rc = SAP.RfcDestroyFunction(hFunc)

RfcGetPartnerSSOTicket = Trim(Ticket)

End Function

Sub Main()

Dim SAP, UserID, PassWd, hRFC, rc, Ticket

Set SAP = CreateObject("COMNWRFC")
If Not IsObject(SAP) Then
Exit Sub
End If

SAP.GetUserPasswordDialog " for NSP", UserID, PassWd

hRFC = SAP.RfcOpenConnection("ASHOST=NSP, SYSNR=00, CLIENT=001, " & _
"USER=" & UserID & ", PASSWD=" & PassWd)
If hRFC = 0 Then
Set SAP = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If

'rc = SAP.RfcGetPartnerSSOTicket(hRFC, Ticket, 2048)
'Delivers RFC_ILLEGAL_STATE error

Ticket = RfcGetPartnerSSOTicket(SAP, hRFC, UserID, PassWd)

rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)

SAP.UsePwdRequest = 0

hRFC = SAP.RfcOpenConnection("ASHOST=NST, SYSNR=01, CLIENT=001, " & _
"MYSAPSSO2=" & Ticket)
If hRFC Then
MsgBox "Connected to NST via SSO"
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
End If

hRFC = SAP.RfcOpenConnection("ASHOST=NSP, SYSNR=00, CLIENT=001, " & _
"MYSAPSSO2=" & Ticket)
If hRFC Then
MsgBox "Connected to NSP via SSO"
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
End If

Set SAP = Nothing

End Sub



The method GetUserPasswordDialog opens a dialog to get the user name and the password. On this way it is now very easy in VBScript to get those kind of data.
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