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FreeBASIC is a powerful free and open source BASIC compiler for Windows and Linux. You find the official site here and the very good German site here. The actual version 0.90.1 can only create 32-bit applications, but the new beta release 0.91 can also create 64-bit applications - look here (in German). FreeBASIC is an ideal partner to SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK, because it is very easy to use SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK with FreeBASIC. This is the reason for this tutorial.

We start with an include file called It collects constants, structures and declarations:

#Include Once ""

RFC_OK = 0
End Enum


code As Integer
group As Integer
key As WString * 128
message As WString * 512
abapMsgClass As WString * 21
abapMsgType As WString * 2
abapMsgNumber As WString * 4
abapMsgV1 As WString * 51
abapMsgV2 As WString * 51
abapMsgV3 As WString * 51
abapMsgV4 As WString * 51
End Type

name As WString Ptr
value As WString Ptr
End Type

Declare Function RfcCloseConnection StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcCloseConnection" (ByVal rfcHandle As Integer, _
errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) As Integer

Declare Function RfcCreateFunction StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcCreateFunction" (ByVal funcDescHandle As Integer, _
errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) As Integer

Declare Function RfcCreateFunctionDesc StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcCreateFunctionDesc" (name As WString, _
errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) As Integer

Declare Function RfcGetChars StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcGetChars" (ByVal dataHandle As Integer, _
name As WString, ByVal charBuffer As WString Ptr, _
bufferLength As Integer, errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) As Integer

Declare Function RfcGetStructure StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcGetStructure" (ByVal dataHandle As Integer, _
name As WString, ByVal strucHandle As Integer, _
errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) As Integer

Declare Function RfcDestroyFunction StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcDestroyFunction" (ByVal funcHandle As Integer, _
errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) As Integer

Declare Function RfcGetFunctionDesc StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcGetFunctionDesc" (ByVal rfcHandle As Integer, _
funcName As WString, errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) _
As Integer

Declare Function RfcGetVersion StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcGetVersion" (ByVal MajorVersion As Long Ptr, _
ByVal MinorVersion As Long Ptr, ByVal PatchLevel As Long Ptr) _
As WString Ptr

Declare Function RfcInstallServerFunction StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcInstallServerFunction" (sysID As WString, _
ByVal funcDescHandle As Integer, ByVal serverFunction As Integer, _
errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) As Integer

Declare Function RfcInvoke StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcInvoke" (ByVal rfcHandle As Integer, _
ByVal funcHandle As Integer, errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) _
As Integer

Declare Function RfcListenAndDispatch StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcListenAndDispatch" (ByVal rfcHandle As Integer, _
ByVal timeout As Integer, errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) _
As Integer

Declare Function RfcOpenConnection StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcOpenConnection" (ByVal connectionParams As Integer, _
ByVal paramCount As Integer, errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) _
As Integer

Declare Function RfcPing StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcPing" (ByVal rfcHandle As Integer, _
errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) As Integer

Declare Function RfcRegisterServer StdCall Lib "sapnwrfc" _
Alias "RfcRegisterServer" (ByVal connectionParams As Integer, _
ByVal paramCount As Integer, errorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO) _
As Integer

#Macro RfcErrorHandler()
If RfcErrorInfo.code <> RFC_OK Then
MessageBox(null, RfcErrorInfo.message, "RFC Error Message", _
End If


Not all functions of the SAP NetWeaver RFC library are declared, only the functions we needed for this tutorial. Store this file, that are all preparations.


Now we take a look at our first FreeBASIC program:

#Include Once ""

Dim RfcErrorInfo As RFC_ERROR_INFO
Dim hRFC As Integer
Dim As WString * 16 nASHost, nSysNr, nClient, nUser, nPassWd, nLang
Dim As WString * 16 vASHost, vSysNr, vClient, vUser, vPassWd, vLang

nASHost = "ASHOST" : vASHost = "ABAP"
nSysNr = "SYSNR" : vSysNr = "00"
nClient = "CLIENT" : vClient = "001"
nUser = "USER" : vUser = "BCUSER"
nPassWd = "PASSWD" : vPassWd = "minisap"
nLang = "LANG" : vLang = "EN"

connParams(0).name = @nASHost : connParams(0).value = @vASHost
connParams(1).name = @nSysNr : connParams(1).value = @vSysNr
connParams(2).name = @nClient : connParams(2).value = @vClient
connParams(3).name = @nUser : connParams(3).value = @vUser
connParams(4).name = @nPassWd : connParams(4).value = @vPassWd
connParams(5).name = @nLang : connParams(5).value = @vLang

hRFC = RfcOpenConnection(@connParams(0), 6, RfcErrorInfo)
If hRFC <> 0 And RfcErrorInfo.code = RFC_OK Then

MessageBox(null, "Check connection with TAC SMGW in the " & _

RfcCloseConnection hRFC, RfcErrorInfo

End If



It is very easy. In the first block we define the connection parameter and then we open a connection to our SAP system via the function RFCOpenConnection. The program stops with a message box and in our SAP system we find, with the TAC SMGW, our connected client application.



After closing the message box we close the connection via the function RFCCloseConnection.

As you can see, it is very easy to code a client application which connects an SAP system.

You find Part 2 here, and Part 3 here.

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