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I presented here the possibility to use NCo with Microsofts scripting language PowerShell. Here now examples how to use NCo with PowerShell 5 and the new classes language feature. You can find more information about classes in PowerShell here.

1st example - Ping:

Calls PING of an SAP system.
Calls the function module RFC_PING and the build-in function
Ping of the .NET connector.

#-Function Get-Destination--------------------------------------------
Function Get-Destination($cfgParams) {
If (("SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcDestinationManager" -as [type]) -ne $null){
Return [SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcDestinationManager]::GetDestination($cfgParams)

#-Class NCo-----------------------------------------------------------
Class NCo {

NCo() {

[String]$ScriptDir = $PSScriptRoot

If ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess) {
[String]$Path = $ScriptDir + "\x64\"
Else {
[String]$Path = $ScriptDir + "\x86\"

[String]$File = $Path + "sapnco.dll"
Add-Type -Path $File
[String]$File = $Path + "sapnco_utils.dll"
Add-Type -Path $File


#-Method GetDestination-------------------------------------------
Hidden [Object]GetDestination() {

$cfgParams = `
New-Object SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcConfigParameters
$cfgParams.Add($cfgParams::Name, "TEST")
$cfgParams.Add($cfgParams::AppServerHost, "ABAP")
$cfgParams.Add($cfgParams::SystemNumber, "00")
$cfgParams.Add($cfgParams::Client, "001")
$cfgParams.Add($cfgParams::User, "BCUSER")

$SecPasswd = Read-Host -Prompt "Passwort" -AsSecureString
$ptrPasswd = `
$Passwd = `
$cfgParams.Add($cfgParams::Password, $Passwd)

Return Get-Destination($cfgParams)


#-Method ExecutePing----------------------------------------------
ExecutePing() {

$destination = $This.GetDestination()

$rfcFunction = `

#-Variant 1: Call function module-----------------------------
Try {
Write-Host "Ping successful"
Catch {
Write-Host "Exception" $_.Exception.Message "occured"

#-Variant 2: Call build-in function---------------------------
Try {
Write-Host "Ping successful"
Catch {
Write-Host "Exception" $_.Exception.Message "occured"



#-Sub Main------------------------------------------------------------
Function Main () {
$NCo = [NCo]::new()

If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) {


2nd example - RFC_SYSTEM_INFO:

Calls RFC_SYSTEM_INFO of an SAP system.
Calls the function module RFC_SYSTEM_INFO and writes the result
on the screen.

#-Function Get-Destination--------------------------------------------
Function Get-Destination($cfgParams) {
If (("SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcDestinationManager" -as [type]) -ne $null){
Return [SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcDestinationManager]::GetDestination($cfgParams)

#-Class NCo-----------------------------------------------------------
Class NCo {

NCo() {

[String]$ScriptDir = $PSScriptRoot

If ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess) {
[String]$Path = $ScriptDir + "\x64\"
Else {
[String]$Path = $ScriptDir + "\x86\"

[String]$File = $Path + "sapnco.dll"
Add-Type -Path $File
[String]$File = $Path + "sapnco_utils.dll"
Add-Type -Path $File


#-Method GetDestination-------------------------------------------
Hidden [Object]GetDestination() {

$cfgParams = `
New-Object SAP.Middleware.Connector.RfcConfigParameters
$cfgParams.Add($cfgParams::Name, "TEST")
$cfgParams.Add($cfgParams::AppServerHost, "ABAP")
$cfgParams.Add($cfgParams::SystemNumber, "00")
$cfgParams.Add($cfgParams::Client, "001")
$cfgParams.Add($cfgParams::User, "BCUSER")

$SecPasswd = Read-Host -Prompt "Passwort" -AsSecureString
$ptrPasswd = `
$Passwd = `
$cfgParams.Add($cfgParams::Password, $Passwd)

Return Get-Destination($cfgParams)


#-Method GetSystemInfo--------------------------------------------
GetSystemInfo() {

$destination = $This.GetDestination()

$rfcFunction = `

#-Call function module----------------------------------------
Try {

$Export = $rfcFunction.GetStructure("RFCSI_EXPORT")

#-Get information-----------------------------------------
Write-Host $Export.GetValue("RFCHOST")
Write-Host $Export.GetValue("RFCSYSID")
Write-Host $Export.GetValue("RFCDBHOST")
Write-Host $Export.GetValue("RFCDBSYS")

Catch {
Write-Host "Exception" $_.Exception.Message "occured"



#-Sub Main------------------------------------------------------------
Function Main () {
$NCo = [NCo]::new()

If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 5) {




Hint: To bypassing unresolved errors of not available types inside the class I use a tiny trick, I externalize the code in a function - e.g. in this case Get-Destination.
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