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Over two years ago I presented COM Connector (CCo) here - CCo makes the using of the NetWeaver RFC library very easy.

Slowly but surely the landscape of the script language environments changed in Windows OS - from Windows Script Host (WSH) to PowerShell. From this point of view it seems good to take also a movement.

Here a PowerShell example how to get all installed SAP components and its version numbers in comparison with a VBScript which offers the same information.

$RFC_OK = 0
$VarByRef = -1


#-Function Get-SAPComponents------------------------------------------
Function Get-SAPComponents {

$SAP = $null
$SAP = Create-Object "COMNWRFC"
if ($SAP -eq $null) {

$hRFC = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcOpenConnection" @(
if ($hRFC -eq 0) {
Free-Object $SAP

$hFuncDesc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetFunctionDesc" @(
if ($hFuncDesc -eq 0) {
$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcCloseConnection" $hRFC
Free-Object $SAP

$hFunc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcCreateFunction" $hFuncDesc
if ($hFunc -eq 0) {
$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcCloseConnection" $hRFC
Free-Object $SAP

$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcInvoke" @($hRFC, $hFunc)
if ($rc -eq $RFC_OK) {

$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetTable" @(
$hFunc, "TT_COMPTAB", $VarByRef)
if ($rc -eq $RFC_OK) {

$hTable = Get-Property $SAP "lngByRef"
$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetRowCount" @(
$hTable, $VarByRef)
$RowCount = Get-Property $SAP "lngByRef"

$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcMoveToFirstRow" $hTable

for ($i = 1; $i -le $RowCount ; $i++) {

$Row = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetCurrentRow" $hTable

$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @(
$Row, "COMPONENT", $VarByRef, 30)
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
$txt = $txt + $charBuffer

$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @(
$Row, "RELEASE", $VarByRef, 10)
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
$txt = $txt + $charBuffer

$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @(
$Row, "EXTRELEASE", $VarByRef, 10)
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
$txt = $txt + $charBuffer

$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcGetChars" @(
$Row, "COMP_TYPE", $VarByRef, 1)
$charBuffer = Get-Property $SAP "strByRef"
$txt = $txt + $charBuffer + "`r`n"

if ($i -lt $RowCount) {
$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcMoveToNextRow" $hTable


$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcDestroyFunction" $hFunc
$rc = Invoke-Method $SAP "RfcCloseConnection" $hRFC
Free-Object $SAP
Remove-Variable SAP

#-Function Main-------------------------------------------------------
Function Main {
$Components = Get-SAPComponents
Write-Host $Components




Here now the VBScript:

Option Explicit

Const RFC_OK = 0

'-Function GetSAPComponents-------------------------------------------
Function GetSAPComponents()

Dim SAP, hRFC, rc, hFuncDesc, hFunc, hTable, RowCount, i, Row
Dim charBuffer, strText

Set SAP = CreateObject("COMNWRFC")
If Not IsObject(SAP) Then
Exit Function
End If

hRFC = SAP.RfcOpenConnection("ASHOST=NSP, SYSNR=00, " & _
If hRFC = 0 Then
Set SAP = Nothing
Exit Function
End If

hFuncDesc = SAP.RfcGetFunctionDesc(hRFC, _
If hFuncDesc = 0 Then
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
Set SAP = Nothing
Exit Function
End If

hFunc = SAP.RfcCreateFunction(hFuncDesc)

If hFunc = 0 Then
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
Set SAP = Nothing
Exit Function
End If

If SAP.RfcInvoke(hRFC, hFunc) = RFC_OK Then
If SAP.RfcGetTable(hFunc, "TT_COMPTAB", hTable) = RFC_OK Then
rc = SAP.RfcGetRowCount(hTable, RowCount)
rc = SAP.RfcMoveToFirstRow(hTable)
For i = 1 To RowCount
Row = SAP.RfcGetCurrentRow(hTable)
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(Row, "COMPONENT", charBuffer, 30)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & " "
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(Row, "RELEASE", charBuffer, 10)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & " "
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(Row, "EXTRELEASE", charBuffer, 10)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & " "
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(Row, "COMP_TYPE", charBuffer, 1)
strText = strText & Trim(charBuffer) & vbCrLf
If i < RowCount Then
rc = SAP.RfcMoveToNextRow(hTable)
End If
End If
End If

rc = SAP.RfcDestroyFunction(hFunc)
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
Set SAP = Nothing

GetSAPComponents = strText
End Function

'-Sub Main------------------------------------------------------------
Sub Main()
MsgBox GetSAPComponents()
End Sub




As you can see it is very comparable.

To establish the comparibility I use an include file, which stores the COM access routines like Create-Object, Invoke-Method etc.

#-Load assembly-------------------------------------------------------
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.VisualBasic") > $Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") > $Null

#-Function Create-Object----------------------------------------------
Function Create-Object([String]$objectName) {
try {
New-Object -ComObject $objectName
catch {
[Void] [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show(
"Can't create object", "Important hint", 0)

#-Function Get-Object-------------------------------------------------
Function Get-Object([String]$pathName, [String]$class) {
[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::GetObject($pathName, $class)

#-Sub Free-Object-----------------------------------------------------
Function Free-Object([__ComObject]$object) {
[Void] [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($object)

#-Function Get-Property-----------------------------------------------
Function Get-Property([__ComObject]$object, [String]$propertyName,
$propertyParameters) {
$objectType = [System.Type]::GetType($object)
$null, $object, $propertyParameters)

#-Sub Set-Property----------------------------------------------------
Function Set-Property([__ComObject]$object, [String]$propertyName,
$propertyValue) {
$objectType = [System.Type]::GetType($object)
[Void] $objectType.InvokeMember($propertyName,
$null, $object, $propertyValue)

#-Function Invoke-Method----------------------------------------------
Function Invoke-Method([__ComObject]$object, [String]$methodName,
$methodParameters) {
$objectType = [System.Type]::GetType($object)
$output = $objectType.InvokeMember($methodName,
"InvokeMethod", $NULL, $object, $methodParameters)
if ( $output ) { $output }



With this tiny include you can use COM functions in PowerShell almost like in VBScript.

Let the games begin.

Minor changes for PowerShell 5 compatibility.
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