How to implement GOS for standard transaction VA01/VA02/VA03
- Problem Statement:
1.1 Issue:
1.2 Example.
1.3 Resolution Approach:
- Process to be followed:
2.1 Step 1:
2.2 Step 2:
2.3 Step 3:
2.4 Step 4:
2.5 Step 5:
- Steps to create attachments for Sales Order:
3.1 Step 1:
3.2 Step 2:
3.3 Step 3:
3.4 Step 4:
3.5 Step 5:
3.6 Step 6:
- Appendix. 1
1. Problem Statement:
There is a requirement of attaching supporting documents whenever business users will create new credit-memo or debit memo request (Sales Order) in SAP system through the transaction VA01. While attaching those supporting documents following challenge must occur:
1.1 Issue:
SAP standard supports create/change/display/delete of attachments on VA02 and VA03 (change and display sales order respectively) transactions with the help of value ‘X’ on parameter ‘SD_SWU_ACTIVE’. There is no provision to attach/view attachment while credit memo requests are being created. Objective of this RICEF is to enable this attachment functionality for ‘create’ transactions also.
1.2 Example
For the Sales Order Creation screen (VA01), the GOS tool bar is not provided by standard SAP.
See screen shot below:
We will see below how we can activate the GOS toolbar using above class for transactions VA01/VA02/VA03
1.3 Resolution Approach:
To resolve the above issue, we can use a SAP provided toolbar
“Generic Object services” or “GOS toolbar”.
Following is the step by step instruction to use GOS Toolbar for resolving attachment issue.
2. Process to be followed:
2.1 Step 1: To activate it we need to do an enhancement in include
‘SAPMV45A’ inside form
2.2 Step 2: Object key is required to activate the generic object services. Now object types for corresponding sales orders are as below:
- Credit memo request (VA01/VA02/VA03) -- BUS2094
- Debit memo request (VA01/VA02/VA03) -- BUS2096
- Sales Order (VA01/VA02/VA03) -- BUS2032
2.3 Step 3: The object key can be found out from the object type. Enter the object type in transaction
Click on display.
P.S: For above three Object types, object key is same and that is Sales Document.
2.4 Step 4:
CL_GOS_MANAGER is a standard SAP class available within R/3 SAP systems depending on the version and release level. It is useful to manage attachments on a report. It lets you upload and download files related any object inside your report. To activate
CL_GOS_MANAGER, we need to create instance of the class first. This instance can be created by calling a constructor method. In the constructor method code, object type and object key need to be set as variable and passed through instance of the class. The code needs to be written
either inside above implicit enhancement point
Following is the syntax:
DATA: lr_gos_manager TYPE REF TO cl_gos_manager,
ls_borident TYPE borident.
STATICS lv_flag TYPE c.
IF sy-tcode = 'VA01' AND lv_flag <> 'X'.
CLEAR ls_borident.
CASE vbak-vbtyp.
WHEN 'K'. "Credit memo request
ls_borident-objtype = 'BUS2094'.
WHEN 'L'. "Debit memo request
ls_borident-objtype = 'BUS2096'.
WHEN 'C'. "Orders
ls_borident-objtype = 'BUS2032'.
CLEAR ls_borident-objtype.
IF NOT ls_borident-objtype IS INITIAL.
CONCATENATE 'ZGOSVA01' sy-uname sy-datum sy-uzeit INTO ls_borident-objkey.
EXPORT ls_borident-objkey TO MEMORY ID 'ZGOSVA01' .
CREATE OBJECT lr_gos_manager
is_object = ls_borident
ip_start_direct = ' '
ip_no_commit = 'X'
object_invalid = 1
callback_invalid = 2
lv_flag = 'X'.
[Here with the help of static variable
(LV_FLAG), we are making sure that this piece of code will be triggered only once in an entire session of sales order creation. There was another challenge regarding object key. At this moment sales order number was not generated in SAP, so we have created a default unique key concatenating a text ' ZGOSVA01' and username and date and time. We will use it later in our code]
2.5 Step 5: We have to attach that document to newly created sales order. So code needs to be added in user exit
MV45AFZZ inside form
The Syntax is:
DATA: lt_services TYPE tgos_sels,
"Services table type
ls_source TYPE sibflporb,
ls_target TYPE sibflporb,
ls_borident TYPE borident,
lv_temp_object TYPE borident-objkey.
CLEAR: ls_source,
CASE vbak-vbtyp.
"Credit memo request
ls_source-typeid = 'BUS2094'.
ls_target-typeid = 'BUS2094'.
"Debit memo request
ls_source-typeid = 'BUS2096'.
ls_target-typeid = 'BUS2096'.
ls_source-typeid = 'BUS2032'.
ls_target-typeid = 'BUS2032'.
CLEAR: ls_source,
IF NOT ls_source-typeid IS INITIAL.
IMPORT ls_borident-objkey FROM MEMORY ID 'ZGOSVA01' .
lv_temp_object = ls_borident-objkey.
* Source
ls_source-instid = lv_temp_object.
ls_source-catid = 'BO'.
* Target
ls_target-instid = vbak-vbeln.
ls_target-catid = 'BO'.
* Move file from Temporary Object to Sales Order Object
is_source = ls_source
is_target = ls_target
it_service_selection = lt_services
[Here we are moving attached file from temporary object to sales order object]
3. Steps to create attachments for Sales Order:
Following are the step by step instructions to create any attachment for sales order:
3.1 Step 1:
3.2 Step 2: Click on the GOS toolbar. Different options will be displayed.
3.3 Step 3: Click on ‘Create-> Create attachment’ option.
3.4 Step 4: A pop-up window will be opened to find a file or attachment as shown below. Select the file and click on open.
3.5 Step 5: A success message will be displayed in the task bar.
3.6 Step 6: If we open sales order in display/change mode, you can see the document in Service: Attachment list tab.
4.0 Appendix
This document would be useful for different groups of business users while creation of new credit-memo or debit memo request (Sales Order) in SAP system. In the above way, using ‘Generic Object services toolbar’ or ‘GOS toolbar’ different files can be attached.