I am going to explain, how to add new fields in standard search help and make it available as fuzzy search help in dictionary(SE11) level and as well as report level.
Custom fuzzy search help in report level:
Go to tcode SE11 and Create a custom table with the following fields, here I want to add a new field PO text to be displayed in the search help so added a field for PO text.

Create an elementary search help giving the table created in selection method.

Here in the enhanced options section ‘
Multi-Column Full Text Search (Database Specific)’ need to be checked if we want to get fuzzy search help for multiple fields.
We're done with the search help. Now use it in a test report.
Go to SE38 and create a report.
Here I've used the following syntax with helps to access the custom search help in the report.
ZMM_PO_TEXT_EL is our custom search help created.
Step 4:
Now test the report.
Give Input as 'W' to check with material number:

Case 2:
Give input as Maintain to check for PO text:

Custom fuzzy search help in standard tcode level:
Step 1:
Create an append search help in SE11. Include the elementary search help created here.

The standard search help for MM transactions is
‘MAT1’ which looks as below.

Step 2:
Open it in SE11 and click on Goto->Append Search Help, a pop up appears, select the append search help created..

Now the search help we created is appended to standard search help MAT1.

Step 3:
Now open tcode MM03 and check here.

The custom fuzzy search help created is available here.

This way we can get fuzzy search for multiple fields both in report level and standard MM tcode level also.
Thanks for Reading.
Hope this post would be helpful