In these blog I am going to help you ,
How to Create , Change or Check FBI Customization
Normally in FPM we have direct option to create Customization , whereas in FBI we don't have:
Standard FBI View how it looks, there is no option to create customization
Go through below link regarding FBI View:
Now let us look how to create or change the FBI Customization for the standard FBI View
Right click on favorites
Click on add other objects
2. select web dynpro application
3. Below is the standard webdynpro application for finding the Configurations and click on ok.
Webdynpro Application: WD_ANALYZE_CONFIG_COMP
4.Select the Configuration and give the FBI view name
In this i am checking for the standard FBI view related to sap tm i.e /SMTMS/TCM_TCCS_RT
5.Select the config id and click on Goto Personalization.
6.Below screen appears. Select the node and click on Call Customizing Editor.
7. FBI view opens in the customizing as shown below:
8.Click on the Continue in Change Mode and do necessary changes.
i.e we can change the exit interface class,mapper class etc as shown below.
We can even add the additional views in the Related views Tab & additional actions in the actions tab....