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Hello Team,


I got this requirement in my project to compare the contents of each transport.

Luckily this 2 programs came in handy for me. Hope so too for the peeps who'll have the same requirement.

Below are the sample transports to be compared (DIFFERENCE) PART1/2

go to below program via se38/sa38

input the transports to be compared

press execute

What it does is, it compares the content of the first transport GD1K997289 to the second which is GD1K996650 .

(It compares which object is in the first transport that is missing to the second )

As seen, GD1K996650 (second transport)  has only have 1 object so in above screen shot, it displays all the contents of the first transport.

If we do the other way around

we get

Below are the sample transports to be compared (INCLUDED IN BOTH) PART2/2

go to below program

enter the transports and press execute

we can now see the objects included in both transports

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