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This blog post will describe in detail how to change released TR into Unreleased TR


In this blog post, we will take the example to change released TR into Unreleased one.



Change released TR into Unreleased TR using SE09 Transaction Code

Transaciton Code: SE09 - modifiable

Release Request - Now the request is as released status and now we want to change the status


Steps to be followed:

  1. Execute the program RDDIT076 and give the request number which you want to change the status and execute.

2. Two rows are available in the request overview. 1.Workbench Request type 'K' and 2. Development/Correction type 'S'



3. Double click on row of Workbench Request and click on pencil icon change and change the status from R (Released) to D (Modifiable). Click Save


Next: Double click on Development request and change the status from R to D

4. Tcode: SE01 to check the status of TR from Released to Modifiable and now we can change in the program

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