With the ECC system in the past, when handling logic to filter the table together, we usually used For all entries - FAE. But, when we use it, we could not be able to utilize power in open SQL (ex Built-in function, order by). Known this disadvantage in the system, SAP has developed alternative solutions (CTE, View, ...), one of the solutions which are a Global Temporary Tables, also known as GTT. So what it is, let's stay tuned!!!
- SAP NW AS ABAP 7.52 or higher
- What is GTT
- Handling with GTT
- Summary
What is GTT
Global Temporary Tables, called GTT, is a temporary table to store data in the program. In essence, GTT is also a transparent table. But it is slightly different than a transparent table, which means it only stores temporary and will be deleted at the end of the program.
GTT is always empty at the beginning of LUW and will be cleared at the end of LUW, which means data has only existed in the process of running the program.
At the end of the program, you must use statement
DELETE <YOUR_GTT_NAME> FROM @dbtab to prevent the run-time error
By using GTT, you will able to be more flexible in the query in Open SQL (easy to use order by, aggregate function, built-in function...) without the same restriction as FAE
Please note that we don't need to create more key fields in GTT, because at this time, the number of key fields is only 15.
Handling with GTT
Create GTT in SE11
Firstly, go to tcode SE11 to create a database table
In Delivery Class, you must choose "
At menu ->Extras, select Change Display table Category to change transparent table to GTT
Check option
Global temporary table and click OK
After choosing GTT option, you will see text Transparent Table will be changed to
Global Temporary T
At tab Fields, create some fields (key or non-key fields) which you want to filter/store data in your program. In this sample, I will create 3 key fields which are Company Code (BUKRS), Fiscal Year(GJAHR), and document number (BELNR).
Please note that Max key fields = 15.
Implement GTT in program
In se38, create a program and write some code the same as the image below. I will use GTT same as table to inner join with another table in the system. In this way, I can use built-in function or some feature in open SQL without any restrictions.
At the end of program, you must delete this GTT, if you don't delete it, your system will be crashed with exception
Run program and you will see result
Through this blog, I hope you will have alternative ways to handle data instead of the traditional ways previously.
Hope this helps!!!