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This is the seventh blog post in this series. Here is the previous blog post Getting started with ABAP: How to Create Table Part 3

In the previous blog post, we learned what is value table and how to use it.

In this blog post we will learn what is Table Maintenance Generator and how to create it. Also how to maintain table using this tool.

What is Table Maintenance Generator?

Table maintenance generator is a tool which generate table maintenance program. Through table maintenance program we can maintain our custom table. That means through this tool we can edit, add and delete the entries from the custom table.

How to Create Table Maintenance Generator

Step 1: Go to SE11 and give your table name and open it.

Here my table is ZAKTABLE.

Step 2: Click on Utilities and then Table Maintenance Generator.

Step 3: Enter Authorization Group as &NC&.

Access for the tables can be restricted through Authorization Group.

&NC& is a default Authorization Group. Give Function group name as the table name.

Step 4: Select Maintenance type One Step

Step 5: Click on Find Screen Number. Select Propose screen number.

Step 6: Press Enter and click on Create. It will ask you to save then save it.

Once it is created, it will show you Request Completed Successfully.

Here Table Maintenance Generator is created.

How to Create Entries through Table Maintenance Generator

Step 1: Once Table Maintenance Generator is created, open table in SE11.

In Utilities click on Table Contents. Then click on Create Entries.

Step 2: Click on New Entries.

Step 3: Enter Values.

Step 4: Click on Save.

Likewise, you can create more entries. Also, you can edit and delete existing entries.

If you want to delete just select the entry right click on it and select delete. Entry will be deleted.

What is Maintenance Type in Table Maintenance Generator

Here you can see there are two types.

One Step and Two Step

If we select One step then only overview screen is created.

If we select Two Step then overview screen and single screen is created.

In One Step

While Creating entries only overview screen will be display. It will display like the below one

In Two Step

While Creating entries overview screen and single screen will be display. It will display like the below one

Here we have completed the what is Table maintenance Generator and how to create it. Also, we learned how to maintain table through this tool.

Here you can check next blog post Getting Started with ABAP: How to Create Flat and Nested Structure

Follow my profile to be notified of the next blog post. Please feel free to ask any questions you have in the comments section below.


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