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Objective: Prepare excel from code and format excel column as ‘TEXT’. Example, 0001 will be saved as 0001 and not 1.

The code mentioned in this document  is cross-country with no language dependency and independent of excel properties across country.

Manual step for text formatting of a column in excel.




Automation of excel column formatting as text via code.

When we create excel via code and want to have value in any of the column as “TEXT” format.

Below code will help to format cell as text.

DATA: ls_attach     TYPE solisti1,
ls_email         TYPE /dpm/a_pls_email,
lt_email         TYPE /dpm/tt_pls_email,
ls_final_email   TYPE /dpm/a_pls_email,
lv_tab           TYPE c,
lv_cret          TYPE c,
lv_planner     TYPE string,
lv_status        TYPE string,
lv_datum_txt(10) TYPE c,
lv_time_txt(8)  TYPE c.

lv_tab = cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. “"Horizontal Tab Stop" Character
lv_cret = cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf. “"Carriage Return and Line Feed"

* Appending header in the excel
CONCATENATE   'Product/part number'
'Date of change (date of CIF)'
'Time of change (time of CIF)'
'Current BOD-change Status'
'Current value of final consumption plant'
'New value of final consumption plant'

INTO ls_attach SEPARATED BY lv_tab.

CONCATENATE lv_cret ls_attach  INTO ls_attach.
APPEND  ls_attach TO et_attach.

* Appending item data in the excel
CLEAR ls_email .
LOOP AT /dpm/cl_pls_email_grouping=>gt_email INTO ls_email.

CLEAR: lv_planner, lv_status.
ls_final_email-mandt              = sy-mandt.
ls_final_email-matnr              = ls_email-matnr.

Here, planner and status are the fields where cell format should be text. If value is 070, then it should come in excel as 070 only.

Below way of applying formula is cross country with no language dependency or excel properties across country.

CONCATENATE '="' ls_email-planner '"' INTO lv_planner.
CONCATENATE '="' ls_email-/dpm/status_bod '"' INTO lv_status.

ls_final_email-/dpm/cnspl_fin_old = ls_email-/dpm/cnspl_fin_old.
ls_final_email-/dpm/cnspl_fin_new = ls_email-/dpm/cnspl_fin_new.
ls_final_email-sysid              = ls_email-sysid.


Writing date and time as per user choice of date/time format.

ls_final_email-crdat              = ls_email-crdat.
ls_final_email-crtim              = ls_email-crtim.

WRITE  ls_final_email-crdat TO   lv_datum_txt USING EDIT MASK '__.__.____'.
WRITE  ls_final_email-crtim TO   lv_time_txt USING EDIT MASK '__:__:__'.

CONCATENATE ls_final_email-matnr
INTO ls_attach SEPARATED BY lv_tab.

CONCATENATE lv_cret ls_attach  INTO ls_attach.

APPEND  ls_attach TO et_attach.  " attachment for mail

CLEAR: ls_email,


We would be receiving below excel as attachment prepared in the code above.



This is used in project DAIMLER (German Project) where the requirement is to send excel as attachment via mail.

It took 2 days of effort to format the column with number input as text.

There are other formulas also available in google search , but they are language dependent and the excel when opened by German colleagues results in wrong output.

But with the help of above code, it will format the column as text irrespective of any dependency.



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