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SAPLink, at time of writing this, has a bug which leads to the effects described in SAP note 2159455. This can result in problems, including not being able to edit a GUI status because of message EC473 (Die Definition der Oberfläche &2 ist inkonsistent. Ändern nicht möglich./The definition of interface &2 is inconsistent. Change not possible.).

Root cause

SAPLink omits to transfer the ADM structure.


Use at your own risk.

Modify SAPLink's ZSAPLINK_PROGAM class. Method GET_PFSTATUS needs to read the ADM structure and serialize it, and method CREATE_PFSTATUS needs to deserialize it and use it when creating the GUI status.

In detail, make changes like this to method GET_PFSTATUS:

  • Add "DATA: xadm TYPE rsmpe_adm." near the top

  • Add "IMPORTING adm = xadm" to the RS_CUA_INTERNAL_FETCH function module call

  • Add "setattributesfromstructure( node = pfstat_node structure xadm )." right after the create_element call for pfstat_node


Method CREATE_PFSTATUS needs to be changed like this:

  • Add "CALL METHOD getstructurefromattributes EXPORTING node = stat_node CHANGING structure = xadm." right after the CHECK which ensures that stat_node IS NOT INITIAL



Both sides need to be patched, export and import. If you import a nugget created by an unpatched SAPLink, the import will fail or result in a broken GUI status. If you import a nugget with an unpatched SAPLink, the result will be a broken GUI status.

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