All recording for the SAP Inside Track can be found here.
I always wanted to attend the different events such as OpenUI5, CodeJam, SAP Inside Track etc. but never got any chance to attend physically or virtually as neither any of them was broadcasted live. It was a lazy saturday morning, as luck had it, i saw a tweet from oliver about SAP Inside Track Berlin being broadcasted live. This is one of the many benefits of being on twitter and following the right people:) So this small blog is about my experience and takeaways.
Different Sessions Experience
I believe the virtual experience was as good as the real one. I could not attend all the sessions but was able to attend most of them.
Responsible disclosure and bug bounty programs
The first session which i attended was regarding the different bug bounty programs run by different companies such as google,facebook etc. I was amazed to hear that now it is another career opportunity where people are spending most of the time in finding bugs. Does SAP cloud platform also any bug bounty program, don’t know?
Ledgers – how do you even…?
This session was a good overview session by Ricardo where he actually talks about his mis-applications experience:) One of the important key message for me was “ Identity online does not need intermediaries”, for example in our day to today life if we need to send money to someone it is via bank, why do we need bank at first place?
DevOps for ABAP
DevOps for ABAP session was taken by saschajunkert was related to which was a very good one, where we had discussions regarding core value of DevOps,5 v/s 4 system landscape, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery(CI/CD)how #ABAPGit can be helpful in achieving the same. These days almost all clients are asking questions around the same. ABAPGit is still on trial mode no such live use case as of now. Looking forward to ABAPGit live cases in the future.
Two different ways to incorporate CI/CD were shown
Overall Summary of the session and DevOps Capability map for ABAP
Tuning ABAP with Hardware mechanics
This session by dmitrii-pescov was an eye opener session, where Dmitrii showed us how referencing can help us in increasing the performance of loop operations. Does it mean we shall do away with our regular way of coding and start using references? The answer is NO as always their is a tradeoff, if we start using references for our my most frequently accessed data the technique will backfire. So to conclude you need to be judgemental and have clear understanding when to use what?
For more details on boxed type read this
Rightly said overuse of everything is harmful!
Writing a SAP PRESS book
This session was taken by 7a519509aed84a2c9e6f627841825b5a where he talked about his experience of writing a SAP Press book. One thing which i understood is it is not an easy task. Writing blogs is nothing as compared to writing a complete book. One of the question which all SAP consultant has is what will i get monetarily if write an SAP Press book and same question was asked in the session, the answer was superb, the non monetary benefits surpass the monetary one any day:) Some of the screen shots captured
We also had quick SAP Community updates given by vitaliy.rudnytskiy and other Kubernetes and Gardener which actually I missed as have prior commitments to attend.
Key takeaways for me
- Distributed Database are coming in big way. Hyperledger,Multichain etc.
- Distributed Version Management in ABAP is for real, get on the train. Enhance understanding of GIT concepts and if possible start contributing in open source projects.
- Implement reference concept in ABAP to understand in detail the impact, pros and cons.
- Find some bugs:)
A wish if can be fulfilled will be great!
I hope all such sessions are broadcasted live it in future. It will help our consultants who can not attend physically in staying up to date with what is going around
PS: All screenshot-> thanks to the author and SAP inside track.