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Objective: To fetch URLs for FSDs or TSDs from Solution manager via Remote systems connected by RFCs.

Introduction:As a process a document is searched from Solution Manager,  T-code SOLAR02 mandatory parameter Project Id and then attributes. A combination of Project ID + Technical Name fetches a document  when clicked on URL generates a Document. To Fetch URLs for from other system below is a code which requires a Project ID and Technical name as input parameters in turn gives Logical and Physical URL.

Understanding with below Image.

Overview :FM is written based on base class  cl_sproject_solar_base_report this is being loaded at the time of call of transaction SOLAR02. Physical URL being fetched using    CALL METHOD cl_sa_doc_factory=>get_read_url. One can find out flow by debugging Standard transaction code SOLAR02.

Step 1. Create a function module in Solution manager Development. Copy paste attached notepad code.

Step 2. Create a trusted RFC in remote system to invoke FM. Once RFC created call FM .

Step 3. Use Physical URL to open(Display only access)  Functional or Technical Specification.

This Function module will be handy if one wants to look at specification using URLs, it can be used from a simple report in development system with Project Id, Document type and Descriptions as Selection parameters.Required is access to Solution Manager.


Mohinder Singh Chouhan

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