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To o an Accounts Restrict in the transactions FBL3N/FBL1N we need to do the follwing actions:

1. We need create different Authorization Groups in Development environment (as many we need), it can create in the following path: Financial Accounting (New)/General Ledger Accounting (New)/Authorizations/Define Authorization Groups for Planning or using the transaction: OK16

2. When we have created and imported (to all environments) the new Authorization Groups, in Production environment, we proceed to assign for each account (transaction: FS00) the corresponding authorization groups, we need realize this assignation, for the same account in his different companies:

3. When we have added the authorization groups in each account (of each Company), that we need restrict, we will proceed to create the different roles to give access to the authorization groups defined (transaction PFCG😞

This roles only we added the authorization objects that restrict an autohirzation groups level of the transactions FBL3N and FBL1N:


With this customization, we had restricted the access to display the accounts that have assigned an authorization group, only will give access to display it if the user have assigned the corresponding role with the corresponding authorization group.


- Although the authorization objects:


Have in the roles the value: *  in the authorization group field, with this, only will have access to all accounts that dont have assigned any authorization group, in ressume, the value * dont give access to the authorization groups defined.

- To check the relationship between accounts-authorization groups, we can check it into the table SKB1 (only executing with SE16N transaction), filtering by account or authorization group.

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