" In this case the code under test is an instance of standard SAP global class
" cl_td_expense_manager and the corresponding component on which it depends, for
" which a test double is provided in these examples, is a currency converter object
" that implements the standard SAP global interface if_td_currency_converter.
" This demo program represents a simple example of how the ABAP Test Double
" Framework can be used, taking advantage of the following characteristics
" of the components used:
" o The instance of the code under test -- an expense manager of the type
" cl_td_expense_manager -- has a simple set of only 2 public methods
" that can be explicitly invoked:
" In addition, it has only a single component on which it depends --
" an instance of a currency converter implementing the interface
" if_td_currency_converter, an interface which also has a simple set
" of only 2 public methods:
" o Class cl_td_expense_manager has a constructor method which enables
" dependency injection of its currency converter, allowing it to be
" provided with a test double for the currency converter during these
" ABAP Unit tests.
" Current constraints of ATDF -
" Currently the ABAP Test Double Framework is based upon the use of a global
" interface to provide the definition of the methods to be simulated by the
" test doubles. Specifically, there is no support for defining test doubles
" for any of these other options:
" o global classes
" o local interfaces
" o local classes
" General steps for using ATDF -
" The use of ATDF relies on a test double being configured to return
" specific values based on a specific set of parameters accompanying a
" call to a method provided by the test double. This is generally a
" 4-step process:
" o In step 1, the static method "create" of class cl_abap_testdouble
" is invoked, passing the name of a global interface implemented by a
" component on which the code under test is dependent, to create an
" instance of a test double that can accommodate all the methods
" defined by the global interface.
" o In step 2, an instance of the code under test is created, making
" available to it the test double created in step 1.
" o In step 3, the static method "configure_call" of class cl_abap_testdouble
" is invoked, passing the test double instance, and, in its simplest
" format (see further explanation below), specifying the return values to
" be used with a test double method call. The actual method call for which
" these value are to be returned is specified in the next step.
" o In step 4, the method of the test double that is to return the values
" specified in step 3 is invoked specifying the parameter values that
" are to trigger the return values specified in step 3.
" Once established accordingly, calls by the code under test to the methods
" of the component on which it depends will be intercepted by the test double
" and provided with the configured return values. In effect, the code under
" test is oblivious to the fact that it is invoking the methods of a test double.
" Technical aspects of cl_abap_testdouble -
" There are a variety of ways to invoke static method "configure_call" of class
" cl_abap_testdouble, the simplest of which includes specfying a return value to
" be provided to the caller of the test double method. In fact, a call to
" method "configure_call" does not configure anything, but it does return a
" reference to an instance of if_abap_testdouble_config (that is, an object
" implementing the global interface if_abap_testdouble_config). It is this
" object that gets called to apply some aspect of how the test double is to
" respond to method calls. Interface if_abap_testdouble_config provides the
" following methods that can be invoked against an instance implementing it:
" o returning
" o set_parameter
" o raise exception
" o raise event
" o times
" o ignore_parameter
" o ignore_all_parameters
" o and_expect
" o set_answer
" o set_matcher
" Most of these methods have a signature indicating to return an instance of
" if_abap_testdouble_config. Accordingly, such an instance can invoke any
" of these methods, and an instance will be returned to the caller reflecting
" the effect of the method call. The returned instance can be the same instance
" updated accordingly or can be a new instance. A subsequent call using the
" instance to a different method will return a new/updated instance also
" reflecting the effect of the called method. Indeed, this process can be
" repeated as long as is necessary to fully configure the response the code
" under test should receive upon invoking a method of the test double.
" The Builder design pattern -
" An object accommodating such calls conforms to the object-oriented design
" pattern known as the Builder, where a sequence of such method calls results
" in an object becoming "built" to the necessary end state. So, for instance,
" to configure a test double response to indicate the following attributes
" (one that you will see used in this demo):
" - returning = 80
" - times = 2
" we could use the following sequence of ABAP statements to construct such
" an object:
" data currency_converter_double type ref to if_td_currency_converter.
" data test_double_configuration type ref to if_abap_testdouble_config.
" test_double_configuration = cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( currency_converter_double ).
" test_double_configuration = test_double_configuration->returning( 80 ).
" test_double_configuration = test_double_configuration->times( 2 ).
" In the example code above, the field test_double_configuration is a helper variable
" holding the object created/updated with each new method invocation, however ABAP
" enables calling such methods to be strung together without the need for the
" helper variable at all, as in:
" cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( currency_converter_double )->returning( 80 )->times( 2 ).
" With this format, the object returned from the call to cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call
" is used as the object on which the call to method returning( 80 ) is made, and its returning
" object is subsequently used on the call to method times( 2 ).
" ABAP Test Double Framework (ATDF) demo program.
" Jim McDonough - May 6, 2018
" Purpose -
" This program illustrates the use of the ABAP Test Double Framework with
" ABAP Unit tests for providing test doubles (mock objects, stubs, spies,
" fakes, etc.) as the component(s) on which the code under test depends.
" Source material used -
" Most of the source code was copied and extensively modified from the
" example ABAP source found in the following blog by Prajul Meyana:
" o https://blogs.sap.com/2015/01/05/abap-test-double-framework-an-introduction/
" Indeed, the source code in that blog is itself mostly a copy of the local
" ABAP Unit test associated with global class cl_td_expense_manager, a class
" provided for the purpose of demonstrating ATDF. To see the ABAP Unit test
" code written for class cl_td_expense_manager, do the following:
" o Invoke transaction SE24
" o Specify object type cl_td_expense_manager, then press Display
" o From the menu select:
" Goto > Local Definitions/Implementations > Local Test Classes
" Your turn -
" All of the tests in this ABAP Unit test demo are currently set to fail.
" In each case, the correction to make the ABAP Unit test pass is a commented
" line following the failing line. Your task is to run all the ABAP Unit
" tests, see that they fail, and they correct them, one by one, to see that
" the tests all pass. So follow these steps:
" o Use the ABAP editor SE38 to make a copy of this program.
" o Activate the copied program.
" o Run the ABAP Unit tests of this program in one of the following ways:
" - Via SE38, select from the menu: Program > Execute > Unit Tests.
" - Via SE38, press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+F10.
" o Make a single correction by adjusting the ABAP code. Each failing line
" or set of lines is marked with "ABAP Unit failure", and each correct
" line or set of lines is marked with "ABAP Unit success".
" o Run the ABAP Unit test again to see that a failing test you changed
" now passes.
" o Repeat this process until all test pass.
class new_currency_code_observer definition
" This class exists solely to act as an observer responding to the
" event new_currency_code of interface if_td_currency_converter.
public section.
methods : constructor
, get_currency_code
type string
, handle_new_currency_code
for event new_currency_code
of if_td_currency_converter
private section.
data : new_currency_code
type string
class new_currency_code_observer implementation.
method constructor.
" At the start, we want our own value for new currency
" code to be cleared ...
clear me->new_currency_code.
" ... and we want to be able to respond to the raised event
" new_currency_code of if_td_currency_converter:
set handler handle_new_currency_code for all instances.
method handle_new_currency_code.
" We are now responding to the raised event
" new_currency_code of if_td_currency_converter and
" we want to overwrite our own value for new currency code
" using the value accompanying the raised event:
me->new_currency_code = currency_code.
method get_currency_code.
" Some caller is requesting the new currency code this object
" has, presumably obtained after having responded to the raised
" event new_currency_code of if_td_currency_converter:
currency_code = me->new_currency_code.
class currency_exchanger definition
" This class exists only because global class cl_td_expense_manager
" does not invoke method convert_to_base_currency of interface
" if_td_currency_converter, one of only two methods this interface
" specifies. Whereas the local ABAP Unit test accompanying class
" cl_td_expense_manager seems to establish a test for invoking method
" convert_to_base_currency of interface if_td_currency_converter, it
" is incomplete because the code implemented for cl_td_expense_manager
" never invokes this interface method. As such, the ABAP Unit
" test code written for cl_td_expense_manager to test this call
" (lines 73 through 80) is never executed to the point where it can be
" determined whether the test double would respond accordingly.
public section.
methods : constructor
type ref to if_td_currency_converter
, exchange_currency
type i
type string
type string
type i
private section.
data : currency_converter
type ref
to if_td_currency_converter
class currency_exchanger implementation.
method constructor.
me->currency_converter = currency_converter.
method exchange_currency.
amount = amount
source_currency = source_currency
base_currency = base_currency
base_curr_amount = base_curr_amount
class custom_matcher definition.
public section.
interfaces : if_abap_testdouble_matcher
class custom_matcher implementation.
method if_abap_testdouble_matcher~matches.
data : act_currency_code
type ref to data
, conf_currency_code
type ref to data
field-symbols: <act_currency> type string
, <conf_currency>
type string
result = abap_false.
if method_name eq 'CONVERT'. " Must be specified as upper-case value
act_currency_code = actual_arguments->get_param_importing( 'source_currency' ).
conf_currency_code = configured_arguments->get_param_importing( 'source_currency' ).
assign act_currency_code->* to <act_currency>.
assign conf_currency_code->* to <conf_currency>.
if <act_currency> is assigned and
<conf_currency> is assigned.
if <act_currency> cp <conf_currency>.
result = abap_true.
class custom_answer definition.
public section.
interfaces : if_abap_testdouble_answer
class custom_answer implementation.
method if_abap_testdouble_answer~answer.
data : source_currency_code
type ref to data
, target_currency_code
type ref to data
, amount type ref to data
field-symbols: <source_currency_code>
type string
, <target_currency_code>
type string
, <amount> type i
result->set_param_returning( 00 ).
if method_name eq 'CONVERT'. " Must be specified as upper-case value
source_currency_code = arguments->get_param_importing( 'source_currency' ).
target_currency_code = arguments->get_param_importing( 'target_currency' ).
amount = arguments->get_param_importing( 'amount' ).
assign source_currency_code->* to <source_currency_code>.
assign target_currency_code->* to <target_currency_code>.
assign amount->* to <amount>.
if <source_currency_code> is assigned and
<target_currency_code> is assigned and
<amount> is assigned.
if <source_currency_code> eq 'INR' and
<target_currency_code> eq 'EUR'.
result->set_param_returning( <amount> / 80 ).
class abap_test_double_examples definition
for testing
duration short
risk level harmless
private section.
types : currency type string
constants : currency_converter_interface
type seoclsname
value 'if_td_currency_converter'
, euro type abap_test_double_examples=>currency
value 'EUR'
, indian_rupee
type abap_test_double_examples=>currency
value 'INR'
, us_dollar type abap_test_double_examples=>currency
value 'USD'
data : currency_converter_double
type ref to if_td_currency_converter
, expense_manager
type ref to cl_td_expense_manager
methods : setup
, teardown
, simple_configuration
for testing raising cx_static_check
, configuration_variation_01
for testing raising cx_static_check
, configuration_variation_02
for testing raising cx_static_check
, configuration_variation_03
for testing raising cx_static_check
, configuration_exception
for testing raising cx_static_check
, configuration_event
for testing raising cx_static_check
, configuration_times
for testing raising cx_static_check
, custom_answer
for testing raising cx_static_check
, custom_matcher
for testing raising cx_static_check
, verify_test_double_interaction
for testing raising cx_static_check
class abap_test_double_examples implementation.
method setup.
" Create both code under test (expense manager) as well as the
" test double masquerading as the ccmponent on which it depends
" (currency converter):
" Create test double object:
me->currency_converter_double ?= cl_abap_testdouble=>create( me->currency_converter_interface ).
" Create the object to be tested, injecting the test double upon
" which it shall depend for the purpose of testing:
create object me->expense_manager
currency_converter = me->currency_converter_double
method teardown.
" Destroy both code under test (expense manager) as well as the
" test double masquerading as the ccmponent on which it depends
" (currency converter):
clear: me->currency_converter_double
, me->expense_manager
method simple_configuration.
constants : fixed_returning_expense
type i value 80
data : expected_expense
type i
, actual_expense
type i
" In this test, the test double always will return the value
" fixed_returning_expense when the code under test invokes its
" convert method.
" Configuring the call to method 'convert' of the test double
" always to return a known value when invoked by the code under test:
" Step 1: Set the desired returning value for the called method
" of the test double:
" Step 2: Specify the method to be called and the parameters
" associated with the call that will return the value
" configured in the previous step:
" Step 3: Invoke a method upon the code under test that will cause
" it to return a value affected by the call it makes
" to the test double:
" Step 4: Assert that the actual value returned by the previous step
" is the same as the expected value it should return:
" Step 1: Set the desired returning value for the called method
" of the test double:
cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( me->currency_converter_double
)->returning( fixed_returning_expense
" Step 2: Specify the method to be called and the parameters
" associated with the call that will return the value
" configured in the previous step:
amount = 100
source_currency = me->us_dollar
target_currency = me->euro
" Step 3: Invoke a method upon the code under test that will cause
" it to return an actual value affected by the call it makes
" to the test double:
" 3a) Call the expense manager to provide it with an entry having
" an amount and source currency code matching the parameters used
" in the previous step to configure the call to the convert method
" of the test double:
description = 'Line item 1'
currency_code = me->us_dollar
amount = 100
" 3b) Now that the expense manager has an entry to use, call its
" method calculate_total_expense, passing the target currency code
" matching the parameters used in step 2 to configure the call
" to the convert method of the test double; this will cause
" the expense manager to invoke the convert method of the test
" double using the same parameters as configured in step 2, and
" as a consequence will return the amount fixed_returning_expense:
actual_expense = me->expense_manager->calculate_total_expense( currency_code = me->euro ).
" Step 4: Assert that the actual value returned by the previous step
" is the same as the expected value it should return:
expected_expense = fixed_returning_expense.
exp = expected_expense
act = actual_expense + 1 " ABAP Unit failure
* act = actual_expense " ABAP Unit success
method configuration_variation_01.
constants : fixed_base_currency_amount
type i value 150
data : currency_exchanger
type ref
to currency_exchanger
, base_currency type string
, base_curr_amount
type i
" This is a special case. We are not going to use the code under
" test provided by the setup method, but are going to instantiate
" our own object, where the instance of the class to be tested is
" not one of global class cl_td_expense_manager but is instead a
" an instance of local class currency_exchanger (see comments in
" local class currency_exchanger definition for more explanation
" of the associated issues). To do this:
" 1) Destroy the expense manager established by the setup method.
" 2) Create an instance of currency_exchanger, injecting it with
" the currency converter already created by the setup method.
" 1) Destroy the expense manager established by the setup method:
clear me->expense_manager.
" 2) Create an instance of currency_exchanger, injecting it with
" the currency converter already created by the setup method:
create object currency_exchanger
currency_converter = me->currency_converter_double
" Configuration for exporting parameters
cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( me->currency_converter_double
)->set_parameter( name = 'base_currency'
value = me->euro
)->set_parameter( name = 'base_curr_amount'
value = fixed_base_currency_amount
amount = 100
source_currency = me->us_dollar
" Actual method call
amount = 100
source_currency = me->us_dollar
base_currency = base_currency
base_curr_amount = base_curr_amount
" Assertions
exp = fixed_base_currency_amount
act = base_curr_amount + 1 " ABAP Unit failure
* act = base_curr_amount " ABAP Unit success
exp = me->euro
act = me->us_dollar " ABAP Unit failure
* act = base_currency " ABAP Unit success
method configuration_variation_02.
constants : fixed_returning_expense
type i value 55
data : expected_expense
type i
, actual_expense
type i
" In this test, the test double always will return the value
" fixed_returning_expense when the code under test invokes its
" convert method using currency US dollar, regardless of the value
" specified for the amount parameter.
" Configuration ignoring one parameter. fixed_returning_expense gets returned if
" source currency = US dollar, target currency = Euro and any value for amount.
cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( me->currency_converter_double
)->returning( fixed_returning_expense
)->ignore_parameter( 'amount'
amount = 0 "dummy value because amount is a non optional parameter
source_currency = me->us_dollar
target_currency = me->euro
" Add expense item
description = 'Line item 1'
currency_code = me->us_dollar
amount = 100
expected_expense = expected_expense + fixed_returning_expense.
" Add expense item
description = 'Line item 2'
currency_code = me->us_dollar
amount = 200
expected_expense = expected_expense + fixed_returning_expense.
" Add expense item
description = 'Line item 3'
currency_code = me->us_dollar
amount = 400
expected_expense = expected_expense + fixed_returning_expense.
" Actual method call
actual_expense = me->expense_manager->calculate_total_expense( currency_code = me->euro ).
" Assertion
exp = expected_expense
act = actual_expense + 1 " ABAP Unit failure
* act = actual_expense " ABAP Unit success
method configuration_variation_03.
constants : fixed_returning_expense
type i value 55
data : expected_expense
type i
, actual_expense
type i
" In this test, the test double always will return the value
" fixed_returning_expense when the code under test invokes its
" convert method regardless of any parameters values specified.
" Configuration ignoring all parameters. fixed_returning_expense gets
" returned for any input.
cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( me->currency_converter_double
)->returning( fixed_returning_expense
amount = 0 "dummy value
source_currency = me->us_dollar "dummy value
target_currency = me->euro "dummy value
" Add expense item
description = 'Line item 1'
currency_code = 'XYZ' " deliberate invalid currency code
amount = 100
expected_expense = expected_expense + fixed_returning_expense.
" Add expense item
description = 'Line item 2'
currency_code = 'ABC' " deliberate invalid currency code
amount = 200
expected_expense = expected_expense + fixed_returning_expense.
" Add expense item
description = 'Line item 3'
currency_code = 'HIJ' " deliberate invalid currency code
amount = 400
expected_expense = expected_expense + fixed_returning_expense.
" Actual method call
actual_expense = me->expense_manager->calculate_total_expense( currency_code = me->euro ).
" Assertion
exp = expected_expense
act = actual_expense + 1 " ABAP Unit failure
* act = actual_expense " ABAP Unit success
method configuration_exception.
data : actual_expense ##NEEDED
type i
, exception type ref to cx_td_currency_exception
" In this test, the test double always will raise the
" exception cx_td_currency_exception.
" Instantiate the exception object.
" Note: This step would not be necessary in production code since
" the act of raising the exception would instantiate this
" instance. With the ABAP Test Double Framework in control
" of raising the exception, the ABAP Unit test will fail with
" an exception CX_ATD_EXCEPTION accompanied by the text
" "[ ABAP Testdouble Framework ] Exception object not bound"
" unless there is an object instance already bound to this
" reference variable.
create object exception.
" Configuration for exception. the specified exception gets raised if
" amount = -1, source_currency = US dollar and target_currency = Euro
cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( me->currency_converter_double
)->raise_exception( exception
" The instantiated exception object only needs to remain instantiated
" for the duration of the preceding configuration call:
clear exception.
" ABAP Unit failure due to the inactive ABAP statements from here ...
* me->currency_converter_double->convert(
* exporting
* amount = -1
* source_currency = me->us_dollar
* target_currency = me->euro
* ).
" ... to here. ABAP Unit failure
" Add expense item
description = 'Line item 1'
currency_code = me->us_dollar
amount = -1
" Actual method call
actual_expense = me->expense_manager->calculate_total_expense( currency_code = me->euro ).
" We should never get this far; exception should have been raised
msg = 'cx_td_currency_exception not raised'
catch cx_td_currency_exception ##NO_HANDLER.
" No action; this is the intended path
method configuration_event.
data : actual_expense ##NEEDED
type i
, event_params
type abap_parmbind_tab
, event_param type abap_parmbind
, event_observer type ref to new_currency_code_observer
field-symbols: <value> type string
" In this test, the test double always will raise the
" event new_currency_code of if_td_currency_converter.
" Create event observer:
create object event_observer.
" Configuration for event. 'new_currency_code' event gets raised if the
" source_currency = Indian rupee
event_param-name = 'currency_code'.
create data event_param-value type string.
assign event_param-value->* to <value>.
<value> = me->indian_rupee.
insert event_param into table event_params.
cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( me->currency_converter_double
)->raise_event( name = 'new_currency_code'
parameters = event_params
)->ignore_parameter( 'target_currency'
)->ignore_parameter( 'amount'
" ABAP Unit failure due to the inactive ABAP statements from here ...
* me->currency_converter_double->convert(
* exporting
* amount = 00 " dummy value
* source_currency = me->indian_rupee
* target_currency = '' " dummy value
* ).
" ... to here. ABAP Unit failure
" Add expense item
description = 'Line item 1'
currency_code = me->indian_rupee
amount = 100
" Actual method call
actual_expense = me->expense_manager->calculate_total_expense( currency_code = me->euro ).
" At this point we do not care what value was returned into
" field actual_expense. Instead, we care whether the call caused
" the test double to raise the event new_currency_code of
" if_td_currency_converter. Retrieving the value returned by
" invoking method get_currency_code of the event observer will
" tell us whether or not the event was raised and the event
" observer responded to it:
exp = me->indian_rupee
act = event_observer->get_currency_code( )
method configuration_times.
data : expected_expense
type i
, actual_expense
type i
" In this test, the test double will return values depending
" on the sequence of calls made to it. In this case it will
" be configured to return the value 80 for the first 2 calls
" where the calling parameters match and to return the value
" 40 for any subsequent calls where the calling parmaters match.
" Configuration for returning 80 for 2 times
cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( me->currency_converter_double
)->returning( 80
)->times( 2
amount = 100
source_currency = me->us_dollar
target_currency = me->euro
" Configuration for returning 40 the next time
cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( me->currency_converter_double
)->returning( 40
amount = 100
source_currency = me->us_dollar
target_currency = me->euro
" Add expense item
description = 'Line item 1'
currency_code = me->us_dollar
amount = 100
expected_expense = expected_expense + 80.
" Add expense item
description = 'Line item 2'
currency_code = me->us_dollar
amount = 100
expected_expense = expected_expense + 80.
" Add expense item
description = 'Line item 3'
currency_code = me->us_dollar
amount = 100
expected_expense = expected_expense + 40.
" Actual method call
actual_expense = me->expense_manager->calculate_total_expense( currency_code = me->euro ).
" Assertion
exp = expected_expense
act = actual_expense + 1 " ABAP Unit failure
* act = actual_expense " ABAP Unit success
method verify_test_double_interaction.
data : expected_expense
type i
, actual_expense
type i
" In this test, the test double itself will be invoked to
" determine whether it was called using matching calling
" parameters as many times as we expected it should have
" been called.
" Add three expenses. Notice the currency_code
" specified for each of these calls:
description = 'line item 1'
currency_code = me->indian_rupee
amount = 100
description = 'line item 2'
currency_code = me->us_dollar
amount = 100
expected_expense = expected_expense + 80.
description = 'line item 3'
currency_code = me->us_dollar
amount = 100
expected_expense = expected_expense + 80.
" ABAP Unit failure due to the active ABAP statements from here ...
description = 'line item 4'
currency_code = me->us_dollar
amount = 100
expected_expense = expected_expense + 80.
" ... to here. ABAP Unit failure
" Configuration of expected interactions. We expect there
" will be 2 calls made where the test double will return the
" value 80 when called with amount 100, source currency US dollar
" and target currency Euro:
cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( me->currency_converter_double
)->returning( 80
)->is_called_times( 2
amount = 100
source_currency = me->us_dollar
target_currency = me->euro
" Actual method call
actual_expense = me->expense_manager->calculate_total_expense( currency_code = me->euro ).
" Assertion
exp = expected_expense
act = actual_expense + 1 " ABAP Unit failure
* act = actual_expense " ABAP Unit success
" Verify interactions on testdouble
cl_abap_testdouble=>verify_expectations( me->currency_converter_double ).
method custom_matcher.
constants : fixed_returning_expense
type i value 80
data : expected_expense
type i
, actual_expense
type i
, matcher type ref to custom_matcher
" Instantiate matcher object
create object matcher.
" Configure test double to use matcher object
cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( me->currency_converter_double
)->returning( fixed_returning_expense
)->set_matcher( matcher
amount = 100
source_currency = 'usd*' " currency pattern for US dollar
target_currency = me->euro
" Add expenses with pattern
description = 'line item 1'
currency_code = 'usdollar' " will conform to expected currency pattern
amount = 100
expected_expense = expected_expense + fixed_returning_expense.
description = 'line item 2'
currency_code = 'usdlr' " will conform to expected currency pattern
amount = 100
expected_expense = expected_expense + fixed_returning_expense.
description = 'line item 3'
currency_code = 'dollar' " will not conform to expected currency pattern
amount = 100
expected_expense = expected_expense + fixed_returning_expense. " ABAP Unit failure
* expected_expense = expected_expense + 00. " ABAP Unit success
" Actual method call
actual_expense = me->expense_manager->calculate_total_expense( currency_code = me->euro ).
" Assertion
exp = expected_expense
act = actual_expense
method custom_answer.
data : expected_expense
type i
, actual_expense
type i
, answer type ref to custom_answer
" Instantiate answer object
create object answer.
" Configure test double to use answer object
cl_abap_testdouble=>configure_call( me->currency_converter_double
)->ignore_parameter( 'amount'
)->set_answer( answer
amount = 0
source_currency = me->indian_rupee
target_currency = me->euro
" Add the expense line items
description = 'line item 1'
currency_code = me->indian_rupee
amount = 80
description = 'line item 2'
currency_code = me->indian_rupee
amount = 240
description = 'line item 3'
currency_code = me->indian_rupee
amount = 800
description = 'line item 4'
currency_code = me->indian_rupee
amount = 880
" Actual method call
actual_expense = me->expense_manager->calculate_total_expense( currency_code = me->euro ).
" Assertion
expected_expense = 25. " ( 80 + 240 + 800 + 880 ) / 80 = 25
exp = expected_expense
act = actual_expense + 1 " ABAP Unit failure
* act = actual_expense " ABAP Unit success
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