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So far we have created Custom Shared Memory Area & its Class, ALV report for Mass upload in Background/Foreground. In this Blog post we will cover the Part 3 section of Excel Mass Upload in Background Job Using SHMA – Part 1: Create a Custom Shared Memory Area.

Section 3

we will be using Excel Templates from the following Path: Excel Templates for both Foreground and background run.

Foreground Run

Download the file 'Ymass_upload 1'  from above Path and keep it ready.

Execute the program YMASS_UPLOAD which was created in the previous blog post. You will get following screen.

Selection Screen

Using the F4 help select the downloaded excel file 'Ymass_upload 1' and click on Execute Button.

You will get an ALV Output which will display the Records details.

ALV Output Foreground Run

Table Updated

Background Run

Download the file 'Ymass_upload 2'  from above Path and keep it ready.

Execute the program YMASS_UPLOAD with checkbox Execute in Background Ticked and upload the downloaded file 'Ymass_upload 2' using F4 help.

Execute Program in Background Mode

a message would be displayed as shown below.

Job Triggered

Go to SM37 and check of the Job under your User ID. There would be a job which might be Completed / Still in Progress.

Background Job Executed

Clicking the Spool you can check the ALV output for each record.

Checking Table from T-Code SE16N shows the number of entries in table.

Table Entries

we can further check the Excel Data in SHMM T-Code against the Shared Memory we have created.


After clicking on the Area YCL_MASS_UPLOAD_SHMA_AREA we will get following screen.

SHMA Area Instances

Now double click on the Instance as $DEFAULT_INSTANCE$ you will get the following screen.

SHMA Memory Analysis

No select the ID and click on display icon you will be able to check the contents stored in the Shared Memory in new window.

SHMA Contents


We can use SHMA as an alternative option to Application Server(AL11) to Mass Upload Excel File data in Background Mode as well as in Foreground mode. we can also check the data inside the SHMA and cross validate if any issue arises.

We have taken an example of Uploading Data in a Custom Table. This can be expanded to Custom Mass Upload program for Master data using BAPI's/FM in SAP with custom validation.



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