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Intent of this blog post series is to provide a working prototype, 'to mass upload excel data in SAP in Background/Foreground using SHMA', which will we covered in 3 Parts.

Business Requirement

To have a Program to upload more than 10k records in SAP using excel file both in Web GUI as well SAP GUI in Background as well as in Foreground. We have a limitation of no access to application server(AL11).


Till now there is no known FM which can be used to upload an Excel File and execute in Background. Since we have a limitation, that we cannot access AL11 Application server to upload files.

To Overcome this limitation. We can use SHMA as an alternative to AL11 Application server.

In this Approach, whenever the Mass Upload Program is performed in Background Mode, we will pull data from Excel file and store it in SHMA and schedule a Background Job, which will read data from SHMA and perform Mass upload.

To carter the above requirement, we will divide the solution in 3 sections which will be covered in 3 blog parts.

  • Part 1: Create a Custom Shared Memory Area.

  • Part 2: Create a ALV Report for Mass Upload Program.

  • Part 3: Demo Foreground/Background upload.

Let proceed with Part 1: Create a Custom Shared Memory Area.

Before proceeding with any section, lets make a custom table which will serve as an example for uploading mass data.

Table for Mass Upload

Section 1

Before creating a custom Shared Memory Area we need to be familiar with Shared Memory & its concepts in ABAP.

we will be creating Shared Memory Area & Class using the following blog post Shared Memory-enabled Classes and Create Data – Area Handle where in all the steps are explained in quite detailed.

Step 1: Creating a Shared Memory Area Class in SE24 and tick the check box "Shared Memory Enabled".

Class Properties

Step 2: Add interface “IF_SHM_BUILD_INSTANCE” in the interfaces section of class

Class Interface

Step 3: Create a type and table type using the following code, which will be used later.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gty_mat_upload,
id TYPE ymass_upload-id,
description TYPE ymass_upload-description,
quantity TYPE ymass_upload-quantity,
unit TYPE ymass_upload-unit,
END OF gty_mat_upload .

TYPES: gtt_mat_upload TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gty_mat_upload.

now your Class will look like this.

Class Types

Step 4: Add the following Class Attributes.

Class Attributes

Step 5: Create Set-Get Methods in the class.

Class Methods

Set Method Signature

Get Method Signature

Step 6: Update Set-Get Methods using below codes, we will update BUILD method once we have created the Shared Memory Area.
  METHOD set_data.
gv_jobname = iv_jobname.
gv_jobcount = iv_jobcount.
gv_file = iv_file.
gt_mat_upload = it_mat_upload.

METHOD get_data.
ev_jobname = gv_jobname.
ev_jobcount = gv_jobcount.
ev_file = gv_file.
et_mat_upload = gt_mat_upload.

Now, are ready with the root class which is required to create the Shared Memory Area.

Step 7: Create Shared Memory Area using T-Code SHMA, Enter suitable name and click on create as shown below.

Create SHMA

Step 8: Update the Root Class & Constructor class as above created class and properties as shown below and save it.

SHMA Attributes 1

SHMA Attributes 2

Now our Shared Memory Area is created, now lets update the BUILD method in the root class.

Step 9: Update method BUILD with the following code lines.
  METHOD if_shm_build_instance~build.
DATA:lo_area TYPE REF TO ycl_mass_upload_shma_area,
lo_root TYPE REF TO ycl_mass_upload_shma,
lo_excep TYPE REF TO cx_root.

DATA:lv_file TYPE char200,
lt_mat_upload TYPE gtt_mat_upload,
lv_jobname TYPE tbtcjob-jobname,
lv_jobcount TYPE tbtcjob-jobcount.

lo_area = ycl_mass_upload_shma_area=>attach_for_write( ).

CATCH cx_shm_error INTO lo_excep.
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_shm_build_failed
previous = lo_excep.


iv_jobname = lv_jobname " Background job name
iv_jobcount = lv_jobcount " Job ID
iv_file = lv_file " Text field length 200
it_mat_upload = lt_mat_upload " Mat Mass upload Table Type

lo_area->set_root( lo_root ).

lo_area->detach_commit( ).

Now, we are ready with the Shared Memory Area.


Part 2: Create a ALV Report for Mass Upload Program
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