Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Namespace Methods
Public Structure TestStruct
Public x As Integer
Public y As Integer
End Structure
Public Class Test
Public Declare Sub TestMethod Lib "Test.dll" _
Alias "TestMethod" ()
Private Declare Sub pTestMethod2 Lib "Test.dll" _
Alias "TestMethod2" (strParam1 As IntPtr)
Public Shared Sub TestMethod2(strParam1 As String)
Dim ptrParam1 As IntPtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto(strParam1)
End Sub
Private Declare Function pTestMethod3 Lib "Test.dll" _
Alias "TestMethod3" (strParam1 As IntPtr, intParam2 As Integer) As IntPtr
Public Shared Function TestMethod3(strParam1 As String, intParam2 As Integer) As String
Dim ptrParam1 As IntPtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto(strParam1)
Dim retParam As IntPtr = pTestMethod3(ptrParam1, intParam2)
Return Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(retParam)
End Function
Public Declare Function TestMethod4 Lib "Test.dll" _
Alias "TestMethod4" (fltParam1 As Double) As Double
Public Declare Function TestMethod5 Lib "Test.dll" _
Alias "TestMethod5" () As Integer
Private Declare Sub pTestMethod6 Lib "Test.dll" _
Alias "TestMethod6" (StructTest As IntPtr)
Public Shared Sub TestMethod6(StructTestAs TestStruct)
Dim ptrStructTest As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(StructTest))
Marshal.StructureToPtr(StructTest, ptrStructTest, True)
End Sub
Private Declare Function pTestMethod7 Lib "Test.dll" _
Alias "TestMethod7" (X As Integer, Y As Integer) As IntPtr
Public Shared Function TestMethod7(X As Integer, Y As Integer) As TestStruct
Dim ptrStructTest As IntPtr = pTestMethod7(X, Y)
Return Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrStructTest, New TestStruct().GetType)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
If (-Not ("Methods.Test" -as [type])) {
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $MethodDefinitions -Language VisualBasic > $Null
Program zUseDotNet.
Type-Pools OLE2.
Constants OUTPUT_CONSOLE Type i Value 0.
Constants OUTPUT_WINDOW Type i Value 1.
Constants OUTPUT_BUFFER Type i Value 2.
Constants CrLf(2) Type c Value cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.
Class lcl_PoSh Definition.
Public Section.
Class-Methods Init
Importing i_OutputMode Type i
Returning Value(r_oPS) Type OLE2_OBJECT.
Class-Methods Flush.
Class-Methods ReadInclAsString
Importing i_InclName Type SOBJ_NAME
Returning Value(r_strIncl) Type String.
Class lcl_PoSh Implementation.
Method Init.
Data lv_Result Type i.
Create Object r_oPS 'SAPIEN.ActiveXPoSHV3'.
If sy-subrc = 0 And r_oPS-Handle > 0 And r_oPS-Type = 'OLE2'.
Call Method Of r_oPS 'Init' = lv_Result Exporting #1 = 0.
If lv_Result = 0.
Call Method Of r_oPS 'IsPowerShellInstalled' = lv_Result.
If lv_Result <> 0.
Set Property Of r_oPS 'OutputMode' = i_OutputMode.
Set Property Of r_oPS 'OutputWidth' = 128.
Free Object r_oPS.
Free Object r_oPS.
Method Flush.
Call Method CL_GUI_CFW=>Flush.
Method ReadInclAsstring.
Data lt_TADIR Type TADIR.
Data lt_Incl Type Table Of String.
Data lv_InclLine Type String.
Data lv_retIncl Type String.
Select Single * From TADIR Into lt_TADIR
Where OBJ_NAME = i_InclName.
If sy-subrc = 0.
Read Report i_InclName Into lt_Incl.
If sy-subrc = 0.
Loop At lt_Incl Into lv_InclLine.
lv_retIncl = lv_retIncl && lv_InclLine &&
lv_InclLine = ''.
r_strIncl = lv_retIncl.
Data lo_PS Type OLE2_OBJECT.
Data lv_Result Type String.
Data lt_Result Type Table Of String.
Data lv_Code Type String.
Data lv_PSCode Type String.
Data lv_PSCodeExec Type String.
Data lv_strBuf Type String.
Data lv_Path Type String.
lo_PS = lcl_PoSh=>Init( OUTPUT_BUFFER ).
If lo_PS-Handle > 0.
"-Add path to the libray to environment path--------------------
lv_PSCodeExec = '$EnvPath = $env:PATH;' &&
'$env:PATH += ";C:\Dummy";$EnvPath'.
Call Method Of lo_PS 'Execute' Exporting #1 = lv_PSCodeExec.
lcl_PoSh=>Flush( ).
Call Method Of lo_PS 'OutputString' = lv_Result.
Call Method Of lo_PS 'ClearOutput'.
lcl_PoSh=>Flush( ).
lv_Path = lv_Result.
"-Read the dotNET language code from include--------------------
lv_Code = '$MethodDefinitions = @"' && CrLf &&
lcl_PoSh=>ReadInclAsString( 'ZCODEINCLUDE' ) &&
'"@;' && CrLf.
"-Read PowerShell code from include-----------------------------
lv_PSCode = lv_Code && lcl_PoSh=>ReadInclAsString( 'ZPSINCLUDE' ).
"-Call the different functions of the library-------------------
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCode && '[Methods.Test]::TestMethod()'.
Call Method Of lo_PS 'Execute' Exporting #1 = lv_PSCodeExec.
lcl_PoSh=>Flush( ).
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCode &&
'[Methods.Test]::TestMethod2("Hallo Welt")'.
Call Method Of lo_PS 'Execute' Exporting #1 = lv_PSCodeExec.
lcl_PoSh=>Flush( ).
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCode &&
'$strRc = [Methods.Test]::TestMethod3("Hallo Welt", 4711)'.
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCodeExec && CrLf && 'Write-Host $strRc'.
Call Method Of lo_PS 'Execute' Exporting #1 = lv_PSCodeExec.
lcl_PoSh=>Flush( ).
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCode &&
'$fltRc = [Methods.Test]::TestMethod4(3.14159267)'.
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCodeExec && CrLf && 'Write-Host $fltRc'.
Call Method Of lo_PS 'Execute' Exporting #1 = lv_PSCodeExec.
lcl_PoSh=>Flush( ).
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCode &&
'$intRc = [Methods.Test]::TestMethod5()'.
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCodeExec && CrLf && 'Write-Host $intRc'.
Call Method Of lo_PS 'Execute' Exporting #1 = lv_PSCodeExec.
lcl_PoSh=>Flush( ).
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCode &&
'$TestStruct = New-Object Methods.TestStruct'.
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCodeExec && CrLf && '$TestStruct.x = 4'.
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCodeExec && CrLf && '$TestStruct.y = 2'.
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCodeExec && CrLf &&
Call Method Of lo_PS 'Execute' Exporting #1 = lv_PSCodeExec.
lcl_PoSh=>Flush( ).
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCode &&
'$rcStruct = [Methods.Test]::TestMethod7(1606, 1964)'.
lv_PSCodeExec = lv_PSCodeExec && CrLf &&
'Write-Host $rcStruct.x " : " $rcStruct.y'.
Call Method Of lo_PS 'Execute' Exporting #1 = lv_PSCodeExec.
lcl_PoSh=>Flush( ).
"-Catch output buffer into a variable and clear output buffer---
Call Method Of lo_PS 'OutputString' = lv_Result.
Call Method Of lo_PS 'ClearOutput'.
lcl_PoSh=>Flush( ).
"-Write the content of the output buffer------------------------
Split lv_Result At CrLf Into Table lt_Result.
Loop At lt_Result Into lv_strBuf.
Write: / lv_strBuf.
"-Set environment path back-------------------------------------
lv_PSCodeExec = '$env:PATH = ' && lv_Path.
Call Method Of lo_PS 'Execute' Exporting #1 = lv_PSCodeExec.
Free Object lo_PS.
#Include Once "windows.bi"
Type TestStruct
x As Integer
y As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared struct As TestStruct
Extern "Windows-MS"
'-Sub TestMethod------------------------------------------------------
Sub TestMethod Alias "TestMethod" () Export
MessageBox(NULL, "Dies ist ein Test", "Test", MB_OK)
End Sub
'-Sub TestMethod2-----------------------------------------------------
Sub TestMethod2 Alias "TestMethod2" _
(ByVal strParam1 As WString Ptr) Export
MessageBox(NULL, Str(*strParam1), "Test2", MB_OK)
End Sub
'-Function TestMethod3------------------------------------------------
Function TestMethod3 Alias "TestMethod3" _
(ByVal strParam1 As WString Ptr, ByVal intParam2 As Integer) _
As WString Ptr Export
MessageBox(NULL, Str(*strParam1) & " " & Str(intParam2), _
"Test3", MB_OK)
TestMethod3 = @WStr("Hallo zusammen")
End Function
'-Function TestMethod4------------------------------------------------
Function TestMethod4 Alias "TestMethod4" _
(ByVal fltParam1 As Double) As Double Export
Dim rcValue As Double
rcValue = fltParam1 * 2
MessageBox(NULL, Str(fltParam1) & " * 2 = " & Str(rcValue), _
"Test4", MB_OK)
TestMethod4 = rcValue
End Function
'-Function TestMethod5------------------------------------------------
Function TestMethod5 Alias "TestMethod5" () As Integer Export
TestMethod5 = 16061964
End Function
'-Sub TestMethod6-----------------------------------------------------
Sub TestMethod6(ByVal structParam1 As TestStruct Ptr) Export
MessageBox(NULL, Str(structParam1->x) & " " & _
Str(structParam1->y), "Test6", MB_OK)
End Sub
'-Function TestMethod7------------------------------------------------
Function TestMethod7(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) _
As TestStruct Ptr Export
struct.x = x
struct.y = y
TestMethod7 = @struct
End Function
End Extern
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