Hi friends,
I have started another blog with general video on Eclipse
There is a really interesting
FAQ , recommended by
florian.henninger on this previous blog.
In this blog I will try to make comparison Eclipse / SAPGui but in vidéo.
At the left SAPGui / At the right Eclipse
Program creation, activation & execution
Between SE80 & Eclipse:
Program creation
Program activation
Run the program
Access package $TMP of a different user
How to access the $TMP objects of another developer.
ABAP error management
The error management is really different between Eclipse & SE80. In SE80 you are always doing check. In Eclipse, the ABAP check is always running.
Lock entry on development objects
Here we have a big difference between Eclipse & SE80.
SE80/SE38/SE24/... you are in Display Mode or in Edit Mode. When you are in Edit Mode you lock the object.
Eclipse .. you lock the object when you change it, until you unlock it.
Class creation
There is no "form" to create a class with Eclipse. You will create using a text-mode.
But you could find this text-mode in SE24.
others videos will come soon ...