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Hi community,

since I just finished beginners tour of ABAP in Eclipse it's time to introduce myself.

I'm Mario Prkacin and as functional CC/CI consultant I use ABAP to develop or to customize SAP standard solutions for my company customers for almost two years now.

I was using eclipse occasionally before - in my not related to SAP work. Usually it was some java source debugging.

After I took that ABAP in Eclipse Explorer challenge I was surprised how good Eclipse is integrated with SAP.

Thomas guides us in his blog how to write our blog about our expirience with Eclipse feature explorer and says: "Do you think the feature explorer is helpful to on board new developers?" :smile:

My answer to this is: "If there was no beginners tour and feature explorer I wouldn't know that Eclipse can be so integrated with SAP at all!"

From my point of view, the most important feature is good integration and possibility to save changed source in transport request directly from Eclipse.

I didn't explored additional features since I just finished beginners tour but for sure I will continue to use Eclipse as ABAP editor.

I think ingmars.rubenis for sure would like to use Eclipse as ABAP editor and I believe that igor.barbaric as ABAP guru already knows and uses it! :smile:

Best regards people!


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