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Hello SCN,

here is quick tip on how to "pinpoint" trace (SQL, performance etc..) in New ABAP Debugger.

There is new debugger tool named "Trace (SE30/ST05)". You can add it to your debugger desktop like any other tools.

By icons on right side of current tools - either New tool or Replace tool. It is in "Special Tools" folder.

By the way you can save your customized debugger desktops :smile:

Tool can be found from about ECC SAP_ABA release 702 (it is not in SAP_ABA 700...).

Here is how it looks and which traces it offer:

Usage is very easy:

For example stop on SELECT statement

  • double click on activate (on/off) SQL Trace
  • run SELECT (F5 or so)
  • deactivate SQL trace
  • there will popup TraceFile icon on the left, which you can immediately investigate
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