Dear all,
In this blog post you will learn about how to download an ABAP program and upload into another SAP system using simple steps.
- Find the relevant program and its transport.
Transaction SE38 - Enter the program - Display-Utilities-Version-Version management - find the latest TR number.
- The TR should be downloaded into two file formats. One as Co file and another one as data files.
- These files are stored in SAP directory. Use the transaction AL11 and the go to the directory parameter DIR_TRANS and it will have a directory /usr/sap/trans. Inside that we can see two subfolders called "Cofiles" and "datafiles"
- Go to the source system and enter transaction CG3Y
- From the TR number, remove the prefix of server name. For Example, if the TR number is ERDK123456, just enter K123456. Enter the source path as /usr/sap/trans/cofiles/K123456.ERD
- The destination file path would be your local drive. Make sure you follow the below format for the file name. K123456 followed by Server name followed by DAT. So, the destination file name would be K123456.ERD.DAT
- Download the file to your drive.
- Do the above mentioned 3 steps to download the Data files. Data files Prefix will be R instead of K. So the download parameter would be
- Bring these files to the system where you want to copy the code.
- Use the transaction CG3Z to upload the files in to SAP directories.
- The parameters would be,

- Do the same thing for Data files as well. Parameters would be,

- We need to import these files as a Transport request. Go to the transaction STMS- click on import overview - double click on target system name.
- This will give the list of transports which are queued in the system.
- In the menu - Extras - Other requests - Add - enter the Co file name and click on continue. For ex: K123456.ERD
- Now the file has been added to the import queue as a Transport. If you refresh the screen, you can see the Transport in the list.
- In the menu, Request click on Import.
- Choose immediate import and in the options make sure that all boxes are unchecked.
After these steps, you will see your program in the target system!
Limitation: If the program is having any FM /Method /table definition which is used in the program but stored in the different Transport, it is not automatically copied. You need to download all the relevant transports using the above said method.
Please let me know if you need further information on this.