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The agenda of this blog is to add a custom field with Dynamic search help and validate the data entered.

We will be using Custom CDS View as search help feeder and, validate the input entered manually, via this CDS the Search help for the custom field will be populated, and the user entered data is Validated.

Create a Data Definition and Query the required data from the database, the KEY field of the query will be mapped as the Input to the custom field.


Core Data Services --> Data Definitions --> New Data Definition (ZPP_CDS_DOREID_SCH)

Sample Data Definition:


Now, expose this Data Definition to Custom CDS View App.           




Now, Custom CDS is ready for to consume, publish the above created CDS to use in Custom Field App.

We will be adding a Custom field in HU02 (Handling Unit) TCode under Custom field Tab. We will be using Custom Fields and Logic App for adding the Custom field under the Business Context Handling Unit, Type Code List with Custom CDS View, and our Custom CDS View.


Now, create a New Field,


Now, the Custom Field ZZ1_DOREID_HUH, will be added in HU02 - Custom Tabs, With the data Queried from the Custom CDS.          


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