During ABAP coding in many occasion we need to create dynamic table. Similar situation can be handled during creation of custom entity by using annotation
Use case:
In SAP S/4HANA create a custom entity that selects data from a dynamic table based on a parameter using the ABAP CDS framework
- Define a data type for the dynamic table using the ABAP CDS TABLE OF statement.
- Use the @ObjectModel.dynamic annotation to specify that the table is dynamic.
- Define the necessary fields for the dynamic table using the ABAP CDS LIKE statement.
- In the custom entity data model, define a parameter that specifies the name of the dynamic table.
- In the custom entity data model, define a field using the data type for the dynamic table, and use the @ObjectModel.readOnly annotation to indicate that the field is read-only.
Below Coding technique can be followed ,
@EndUserText.label: 'Test Custom Entity'
define root view entity ZCustomEntity
with parameters p_dynamic_table : abap.dynpalpha
as select from (p_dynamic_table)
key key_field :,
dynamic_table : @ObjectModel.dynamic TABLE OF ZDynamicType
define type ZDynamicType {
field1 : abap.string,
field2 :,
Summary :
In the example above, the p_dynamic_table parameter specifies the name of the dynamic table to select data from. The custom entity data model includes a field named dynamic_table, which is defined as a dynamic internal table of ZDynamicType. The @ObjectModel.readOnly annotation indicates that the field is read-only, meaning that it cannot be modified through the custom entity.
Hopefully this blog post will help you. I look forward to your comments and feedback.
Thanks for reading this article !
Subhamoy Bhaumik