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Excel Creation Methods :

Today there are a number of methods to create a formated Excel file like Standard FMs, IXML Interface, OLE, Using XML syntax , Using HTML syntax and few  more Interfaces ( available over Code Share Pages )..!!

Flexibility and Ease of Use :

Well, taking about  Ease of use, I would always prefer Standard FMs.

But the problem with Mr. FM is, there stiffness. I mean they are not really flexible enough to fulfill my business needs. :sad: My Business Team always thinks, creating an Excel thru SAP is equivalent to creating an Excel thru MS Office..!! ;( :sad:

Basically FMs creates Excel, which are more sort of fixed format file..!!

Next comes IXML interfaces, they are obviously flexible but I find them a bit bulky interms of Memory ComPlexity..!! Probalby, because you need to instnciate a Class and then set its attribute before using just a simPle Style, font or a new color../!! My business asks for a highly decorated Excel..!! Seems tough this way..!!

OLE ,, really tough stuff to deal with, once OLE starts to create Excel,, I usually move out of my desk, m sure, it will take a handsome amount of time..!!

Yes, Mr. OLE is really laZy, just like me. Takes too much of time for Excel creation..!!

So, I will oPt for XML or HTML Syntax out of all the available candidates..!!

Hmmm, I didnt talked about the other interfaces, actually I could not dare to PeeP inside,, My SAP has emPowered me with some beautiful tools.

No need to look at something else..!!

The HTML Way :

Create all you want using HTML Tags and Syntax, download it in a XLS file format and Now its ready to use..!! :razz: :wink:

As simPle, as a two minute noodle,, well.. Yes it is..!! lol :wink:

You can create a Table, Paint it easily, with the color, your near and dear wants..!!


<td colspan =4>

<div><font size =5>Test Excel</font></div>




<td colspan =9>

<font size =5>Excel Details</font>



HTML Tutorial will tell in detail about the HTML Syntax..

Create the Excel using your tags, keep them in an internal table or better in a String..!!

Use ,,

cl_bcs_convert=>string_to_solix with code page 4103..!!

Create the Doc Object using

cl_document_bcs=>create_document with tye 'RAW'..

Add the Excel attachment using document->add_attachment, with tye 'xls'..

Now, set_document,, add recipient  and then send document

For Mail sending area, Object report BCS_EXAMPLE_7 is also helpful..!!

Comments and Rectification :

Kindly put your comments, which can help me to further add values to blogs..!!

My mentors and guides over SDN, kindly rectify me if I am wrong somewhere..!!

Thanking You All..!!

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