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If you’ve been testing OData services for example with Postman lately, you’ve most likely come across the scenario where you need to convert a UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) between hyphened representation and RAW16. I’ve previously done this manually, but today I decided to find a class that could help me with this.


Let’s assume that we want to test an OData service where one of the properties is the business partner GUID (Edm Core Type = Edm.Guid). The OData service expects this property to be supplied in hyphened representation (e.g. 0050569a-1453-1ed5-b9cb-7e54178c13f0). In the SAP business partner table, the business partner GUID is however stored in RAW16 format (e.g. 0050569A14531ED5B9CB7E54178C13F0).

It is trivial to manually convert between hyphened representation and RAW16, but I find this to be a bit tedious.


After some searching, I eventually came across the class CL_SOAP_WSRMB_HELPER which can assist us when doing the conversion.

From hyphened representation into RAW16

The following unit test illustrates how the conversion from hyphened representation into RAW16 can be done:

" Convert UUID from hyphened representation into RAW16
" given
CONSTANTS uuid_raw_exp TYPE sysuuid_x VALUE '0050569A14531ED5B9CB7E54178C13F0'.
CONSTANTS uuid_hyphened TYPE string VALUE '0050569a-1453-1ed5-b9cb-7e54178c13f0'.

" when
DATA(uuid_raw_act) = cl_soap_wsrmb_helper=>convert_uuid_hyphened_to_raw( uuid_hyphened ).

" then
cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = uuid_raw_act
exp = uuid_raw_exp ).

From RAW16 into hyphened representation

The following unit test illustrates how the conversion from RAW16 into hyphened representation can be done:

" Convert UUID from RAW16 into hyphened representation
" given
CONSTANTS uuid_hyphened_exp TYPE string VALUE '0050569a-1453-1ed5-b9cb-7e54178c13f0'.
CONSTANTS uuid_raw TYPE sysuuid_x VALUE '0050569A14531ED5B9CB7E54178C13F0'.

" when
DATA(uuid_hyphened_act) = cl_soap_wsrmb_helper=>convert_uuid_raw_to_hyphened( uuid_raw ).

" then
cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = uuid_hyphened_act
exp = uuid_hyphened_exp ).

Happy converting!

This blog post first appeared on the Developer Voyage blog at
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