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Value range of a domain can be restricted by maintaining the fixed values while creating the domain. These fixed values are used for the input check on the screens. If no fixed values are maintained or if few fixed values are already defined for a domain by SAP and if the user want to add more fixed values then, we can leverage the advantage of the fixed value append. Fixed values can be maintained only for the domains of data types CHAR, NUMC, DEC and INT.

The Switch Framework allows you to externally control the visibility of repository objects or their components by means of switches. In this document, I have discussed on controlling the domain fixed value append from a switched package. The additional values will be displayed based on the switch on/off status. Saving the new append in a switch controlled package is not mandatory, if the values are to displayed always.

First we need to append fixed values to a standard domain. You can follow the below steps.

a. Open the domain in SE11 – For example Domain ABSTT

b. Select the Value range Tab. Observe that no fixed values are maintained for the domain ABSTT.

c. Click on the GOTO menu and select FIXED VALUE APPEND.

d. Enter a name for the append and press Enter.

e. A screen appears for the new fixed value append. Provide the short description.             

f. Maintain the required fixed value in the column Fix.Val and Short description for each and do save and activate.

    While saving, I have given a package name which is assigned to a switch  as shown below. To know more about assigning package to switch, check my document Switch Framework - A simple demo on creation and usage of a custom switch

The mentioned switch is in turn assigned to a Business function which we can be switched on/off later, based on our requirement.

Before checking whether the new fixed values in the domain are displaying or not, just verify the on/off status of switch. Go to Tcode SFW5 and look for our Business Function in Enterprise Business Function list.

The business function is switched off by default, so the newly added fixed values should not be displayed.

Now create a report program and add a parameter with type ABSTT which is the Dataelement of Domain ABSTT  and execute it.

We can see that the newly added values are not displayed.

Now, go back to SFW5 and switch on the business function.

Subsequently run the report and check for values in searchhelp.

With the switch in 'On' position, the fixed values in the new append will be displayed as shown above.

In case of any issues recheck whether everything has been activated. In some cases a session logout and login is required to get reflected with the switch changes.

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