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Many of us would like to have the functionality of executing ATC / Code Inspector checks before releasing the transport request / task. In addition, some of us might have gone through the below blogs to achieve this requirement.

Both the blogs given above provide us with custom solution to perform this task.
Good news is SAP has provided this functionality via SAP Note: “2495410 - Object checks during task release. “


Once we implement this note, the common question / issue that we have is to know the check variant name that executes upon release of the TR. Moreover, most of us would like to configure or control this check variant.

One more thing that we would like to control is to perform check on either task level or request level.


We will go through each problem one by one and try to provide solution for the questions.

1) Control to perform check on either task level or request level.

Post implementation of note: 2495410, an additional option is available in Global customizing (Transport Organizer). Here we can select to perform check on Request / Task / Task and Request.

To access this setting, go to tcode SE03 and under “Administration” folder click on “Global Customizing (Transport Organizer)”

2) Configure ATC execution on release of TR.

Post implementation of object check note, Code inspector executes upon release of TR. However, we wish to execute ATC along with code inspector.

This check is configurable via tcode ATC ( Table: TRCHECK contains detail for all the checks present in system).

Open tcode ATC and under folder "Setup", click on "Configure ATC".

Refer to link for more details

After this configuration, both ATC and Code inspector will be checked upon release of TR.

3) Configuring check variants to execute upon release of transport request.

As per note: 1465965, ATC has default check variant as “DEFAULT” and code inspector default check variant is “TRANSPORT” for releasing TR.

Table: SCICHKV_ALTER replaces the default check variants provided by SAP.
Table: SCICHKV_ALTER is delivered by note: 1465965.

Maintain this table with the above entries and you can control the check variant that should be executed upon release of TR.

Note: Entries maintained in table will always replace the check variants as given in the table.
Even on manual execution of ATC and Code Inspector this check will be replaced.


Better to check error before you release transport request.

Hope this is helpful, let me know your view and suggestion in the comments below.
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