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This WD4A development will demonstrate the consumption of CDS views using SALV and Fiori.

Some WD4A coding is required but all business logic should reside in CDS view definition itself.

Create CDS view from ADT using folder Core Data Services, right-click to create New -> DDL Source

Create Web dynpro application for CDS view ZCDS_BKPF_VIEW

First create "Web Dynpro Component" from SE80 or ADT using "New ABAP Repository Object"

Second, from main WD4A component, add component usage SALV_WD_TABLE

Third, from COMPONENTCONTROLLER, create context with dictionary usage ZCDS_BKPF_VIEW

Fourth, from view, create ViewContainer UI Element

Next, from window, embed View into Window

Finally from view method WDDOINIT add CDS view data selection and bind to SALV table object

Create Fiori launchpad configurations by user from transaction LPD_CUST

Create Fiori group from Fiori Administration link sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/arsrvc_upb_admn

Create Fiori role(s) from transaction PFCG

Change User(s) from SU01 to include Fiori role(s) in order to enable consumption of CDS views

CDS View via Fiori Home link sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ushell/shells/abap/FioriLaunchpad.html?sap-client=100#Shell-home

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