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Pretty printer is very useful, but in some cases, you have to be a "Pretty coder" yourself.

Especially with ABAP 740, where all those expressions came up and finally made us feel like real programmers - as we now could do things like
data(ls_result) = new lcl_data_processor( new lcl_data_provider( p_matnr ) )->do_something_important( iv_simulation = abap_true ).

just like all the others.

The ABAP statements are getting longer these days, so I asked myself how to distribute them into several lines and keep the legibility. I started with something like
      if line_exists( lt_process[ orderid = ls_queue-orderid
activity = ls_queue-activity ] ).

But when it comes to real deeply nested expressions, this would lead to enormous line sizes. What I am doing nowadays, is more like this:
        rt_res = value #(
for s_oper in lt_operations where ( sub_activity = space )
( value #(
let ltext = actvt_longtext_read( s_oper ) in
act_end_date = s_oper-act_end_date
act_end_time = s_oper-act_end_time
act_start_date = reduce d(
init d = s_oper-act_start_date
for s_sub in it_sub_oper where (

i.e. increase indentation by bracket level. When closing the brackets, I just do
                    then cond #(
when s_subd-isdd < d
then s_subd-isdd
else d )
else d ) ) )

that is closing everything in one line.

Still I'm not totally satisfied with my approach, especially with the closing of bracket levels. But wasting a line for each closing bracket seems ugly to me.

What is your approach in coding very long ABAP statements?
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