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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Remark: Mission ended on December, 31th.

But you can still post about ABAP in Eclipse and your experiences :wink:

Last week we launched the ABAP in Eclipse Fan mission on SCN. With the ABAP in Eclipse Fan badge you are already showing your passion towards ABAP in Eclipse and your willingness to support the community. Now it is time to move on.

Today we are launching the Feature Explorer mission.

Your challenge is to discover the most important features of ABAP in Eclipse and share your experience with the community. Once you did that you will get the ABAP in Eclipse Feature Explorer badge.

So what are your tasks to accomplish the mission and get the Feature Explorer Badge?

With the latest ABAP in Eclipse version 2.24  ( ABAP Development Tools version 2.24 available now on Updatesite ) we offer a new interactive learning solution in Eclipse.
The feature explorer helps ABAP developers get onboarded in Eclipse. Read the blog Get more out of ABAP in Eclipse with the Feature Explorer

Step 1: Update your eclipse installation to the latest version 2.24.
In case you are new to ABAP in Eclipse follow the installation instructions on our Eclipse updatesite: SAP Development Tools for Eclipse

Step 2: Start your eclipse and open the Feature Explorer:

On the welcome screen you can start the interactive explorer tour. In the beginners tour we have 3 stages for you including the most important features you need. So click through the stages and enjoy your tour. Once you have accomplished the final stage you are done and you see an overview of the discovered features. 

Step 3: Now it is time to show the community that you have completed the tour and share your experience and feedback. Write a blog post in the ABAP in Eclipse community and once you’ve done that, the team will review your submission and we will give you the ABAP in Eclipse Explorer badge. The qualification criteria are the following:

  • Write a blog post in the ABAP in Eclipse space
  • Tag the blog post with "aie_feature_explorer"
  • In your blog post, write with a personal style and answer as many of the questions below as you can:
    • Please introduce yourself and tell us how long you’ve developed with ABAP
    • Did you know about Eclipse before you took this ABAP in Eclipse Explorer challenge?
    • Do you think the feature explorer is helpful to onboard new developers?
    • What is your favorite feature of the beginners tour?
    • Have you explored additional features of Eclipse that you like?
    • Mention some ABAP developers in the community that should know ABAP in Eclipse. You can use “@” and then type their name so that they get notified when you mention them.
  • Comment to my blog post here and provide the link to your own blog post in your comment.
  • Wait a few days to see the badge uploaded on your profile, we will proceed with weekly uploads.

Have fun!


Active Participant
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Hi Thomas,

that's a great idea. You can read my feedback here: How I became a feature explorer

Best regards


Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hello Thomas,

Great way to promote AIE!

Most experienced ABAPer out there are not very opened towards new development tools, so it will take most companies years before they switch to Eclipse. Yet if AIE is pushed by the community to the point where it covers all SAPGUI features and more, it will be much easier to transcend. So, keep up the good work!

Btw, here's my blog post.


Active Contributor
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Hi Thomas,

It's time for a different take: I won't participate in this mission.

Don't get me wrong: I like the idea of missions around SAP products as a way to engage the community and drive adoption.

What I don't like about this particular mission is the part where you have to write a blog post on SCN with a lot of noise and maybe something useful regarding abap_in_eclipse.

In my opinion the community doesn't need another flood of blog posts with relatively low value (content wise). It only pollutes this site even more.

Now, if the mission was limited to doing the tour itself, that'd be great (but it's probably impossible to measure). So, I'll definitely take a look at the feature explorer, but as for the mission: no thank you.

This feedback is of course just as much directed to the SCN Content team (and I'll tag oddss and laure.cetin just to make sure it reaches them).

Good luck with your endeavours to get every ABAP developer to the abap_development_tools :smile: .

Cheers, Fred

Active Participant
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Hi Thomas,

here the link to my post Feature Explorer in AiE



Former Member
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Hi Thomas,

Here you are. My first blog post on SCN. I hope you like it.

I just completed the beginners tour in the ABAP in Eclipse Feature Explorer...

Best regards,


Active Contributor
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My feedback here: Feature Explorer, yes please



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Fred,

thanks for the feedback. Our first idea was that after completing the tour in eclipse you will get automatically the badge in SCN. Technically this was not possible as we cannot track user interaction outside the SCN. So we had the idea to combine it with some engagement in the community. But we are still working on a direct integration between eclipse and the community.



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The problem is, as Fred said, this mission is encouraging many people to post essentially the same content to this space. I presume you're hoping for a high degree of engagement, which could mean hundreds (more?) of such almost identical blogs. That's not good...


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My first Blog for AIE: Eclipse Feature Explorer



Active Contributor
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It make sense, maybe a survery to get what new features should bring the Feature explorer. Anyway  I had a fun time writing the blog plus It gave me the oportunity to claim the WebUI integration (again).

thomasfiedler maybe you can moderate the redundant blogs (mine included, of course) and create a poll with "what new features do you whish to include in the feature explorer?" extracting the key ideas of each blog, I don't know is just an idea, "to err is human or SAP consultant"



Former Member
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Maybe it just needs something as simple as asking for the blogs to be posted in each user's personal blog space rather than this one? Then the technical content here won't be lost amongst everything else, but people still have the fun of writing the blog.


Active Contributor
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Fair enough :smile: but I still like the poll idea :razz:

0 Kudos

Hi fred.verheul and steve.rumsby (and tammy.powlas3 on Twitter),

I appreciate your concerns around content quality, because I know you, and I know how much you care about SCN. I need this kind of feedback.

When I designed the Eclipse Explorer mission with thomasfiedler I thought it was not much different from a "TechEd Share the Knowledge Qualification" mission or "SAP HANA Cloud Movie Challenge" mission, in the sense that the SAP team verifies that the contributions are eligible for the badge. But maybe you are more worried here because this new mission is in the ABAP area where there is a lot of content in general?

So far there were 6 submissions, and even one new blogger that was encouraged by the mission. I this this is positive outcome. I reviewed the submissions and they look OK and hopefully will spark some discussions. One may not be specific enough, but Thomas is already doing a good job trying to get more details from the author. For now would you say that the contributions are OK?

If things start becoming difficult to manage Thomas and I will talk about it and take measures (I'm open to Steve's suggestion to have the contributions posted as personal blogs first, but I would need to check with Thomas). For now I would say let's observe.

Please continue engaging with me here and also privately if you need to, my door (ear?) is always open!


Former Member
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Thanks Laure. Yes, for now there is no problem. I'm just anticipating what might happen if you get the hoped for level of engagement. Of course, if you don't then that's bad in a different way!

I agree that providing encouragement to blog, in general, is a good thing. And getting somebody new blogging is great. But we should be encouraging blogging in the right way, in the right space, and I don't think this mission currently does that. Just my opinion...


0 Kudos

My Blog for ABAP in Eclipse is below link.

Eclipse Feature Explorer in ABAP



0 Kudos

Hi Thomas,

Here's my blog: AiE Feature Explorer

I fully understand the concerns mentioned above. Yes, blogs like these may be relatively low value, content-wise. They do produce 'noise' depending on what you're looking for. And if people are really disturbed by that, measures should be taken.

On the other hand, nobody is forced to read it. If you're following the blog posts in this space, you are probably also aware of this mission and you can skip these blogs based on the title.

There simply are no general rules about how light weight or heavy weight a blog should be. If you expect only heavy weight content to be posted on SCN, maybe the name 'blog' is not well chosen.

For me, this was my first blog on SCN since 2011 (shame on me) and I enjoyed writing it. Writing this simple blog encourages me to post more content on SCN and I promise my next post will contain hardcore code samples :wink: .

I hope my blog will encourage other people to have a look at the feature explorer, same as j.custers2's blog (I just completed the beginners tour in the ABAP in Eclipse Feature Explorer...) did for me...

Kind regards,


Active Contributor
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Hi Rudy,

I don't know why, but I feel obliged to respond :smile: .

I want to make clear that my comment is my personal opinion about the overall effect a mission like this may have on the SCN platform. Everyone is free to make his/her own judgment, and for everyone this will be different, for example just because of the opportunity to write a blog post after so long :razz: .

And as I've told j.custers2 already, I'm really happy to see people starting to write blog posts and contributing to the community.

So, while I won't read all those blog posts, I can certainly live with them for the time being, and only the future will tell whether my worries are justified or not.

So: keep them coming! But make sure you've got some unique content you can add to the conversation here on SCN.

Cheers, Fred

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Thomas,

here is my blog about it. AIE Feature Explorer or Welcome to the family

Happy Easter to you and your team.


0 Kudos

Hi Fred,

I understand that your comment is your personal opinion, so is mine. And as said, I also understand your concerns. I'm glad you have raised your voice.

The fact that we're having this discussion proves that a critical look should be taken to the way missions can be earned. I heard from Thomas that they are working on an integration of Eclipse with the mission module in SCN.

For the time being, if a mission requires a blog post, it won't stop me from earning it 😉

Kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for this cool idea. Got my chance to relive the experiences of Eclipse.

Another AiE Feature Explorer Experiences

Best Regards


0 Kudos

This is a new area for me,

And I will study it further.

0 Kudos

Hi thomas ,

                   It's really good idea for sharing information about Aie -

Aie Features Experience - One Place For All Development



Former Member
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Hi Thomas,

I am not a ABAP developer but i love to learn new technology. Thank you for this new idea to learn.


0 Kudos

Hi All,

                        upgrading ABAP with  new ideas . I like that.Keep up the Good Work



0 Kudos

Hi all,

We required this type of new changes in ABAP to show or publish our application into the world with best way to understand everyone.



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Amazing DEnglis(c)h

0 Kudos


Video helped me a lot .

As a ABAP learner I recommend video to other folks.

Former Member
Former Member
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We can use this for Webdynpro for ABAP in Eclipse

Best regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Rohit,

what do you think? Should we offer also a feature tour for Web Dynpro ABAP?

The tour could mainly exist by implementing your sample app.



Former Member
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Yes Thomas,

It will be good.


Best regards,


Active Contributor
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It's a great idea and it gave me interest to explore this.

Below is my blog on it.



0 Kudos

it's great to know abap on eclipse.

Active Contributor
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This is a new area for me And I will study it further.

Former Member
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It's great to know abap on eclipse.

Thank  you very Mr.thomas

Former Member
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Hi Thomas

You can find my blog here: My first blog on Eclipse

Kind regards


Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hey Thomas,

interesting new features. Here my blog post: Trying new features and versions in Eclipse


0 Kudos

Hi Thomas,

awesome to use Eclipse IDE for ABAP programming.

Follows my blog: Getting started with ABAP in Eclipse IDE

Thanks a lot!

Best Regards.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Thomas,

ABAP in eclipse offers new perspectives.

Here my blog post: Beginner Tour of ABAP in Eclipse Completed



Former Member
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Hi Thomas,

This is my blog post: Another Feature Explorer Review



Former Member
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This was a entirely new area for me. I will take some time to read and understand.

Former Member
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My way to ABAP in Eclipse

Regards Christian

Former Member
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Hi Thomas,

please review my blog post about Eclipse Feature Explorer.

Eclipse beginners tour completed

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Thomas,

Pl find my Blog for AIE : ABAP in Eclipse Feature Explorer - Future looking bright

Warm Regards,

Naveen Vishal

Active Contributor
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Hi Thomas,

This is mine: Yet another AiE Feature Explorer blog

Thank you!


0 Kudos

Hi Thomas,

my fist Post AIE Feature Explorer

best regards,


Former Member
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good one

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Excellent IDE for developers that already use eclipse in other languages but I don’t see people changing when sap have all required tools. Of course eclipse has some nice functionalities but the question is if we really need them!


Active Contributor
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Ever thought about that developing is a never ending process. Just you got all necessary tools today says not that tomorrow remains the same...


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