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Note 1: We have now moved to AS ABAP 7.52 SP04, so please don't download this version any more. Thanks

Note 2: Since we now have 6 blogs referring to 2 different versions of the download developer edition, blog comments are becoming unmanageable. In addition, searching through blog comments is very difficult for other users, resulting in many duplicate issues.

From now on, please DO NOT post a blog comment if you require troubleshooting.

Please post on the ABAP Development forum , using the hashtag #ABAP_Trial.

In case of Linux problems read the Linux FAQ.

Thank you for your understanding.

Installation Instructions and First Steps


Hardware requirements:

  • x86_64 Processor based hardware

  • Required: At least 4 GB RAM plus about 8 GB swap space

  • Recommended: At least 8 GB RAM plus about 8 GB swap space

  • About 100 GB free disk space for server installation

  • About 2 GB free disk space for client installation

Network configuration of the SAP host operating system: The officially supported setup requires a static IP address for the hostname used for the SAP installation. Using DHCP is possible for this developer edition, but be aware of potential consequences. If our installation cannot ping the hostname specified when installing, the installation and startup of the SAP system will fail. Make sure that the hostname specified during installation fulfills SAP requirements, most importantly that it does not exceed 13 characters length and also needs to survive subsequent reboots.

Firewall: Deactivate the firewall.

Additional software requirement

The following software packages are required:

  • csh – Ubuntu and Debian require you to install csh before you start the ABAP installation

  • libaio – SAP Sybase ASE requires the libaio library to start the installation

  • uuidd  – SAP AS ABAP requires the OS to run uuidd service to ensure the uniqueness of GUIDs. For more information - eg on why this is extremely important - please see archive thread 3379688: Is it mandatory to have uuidd for SAP installation

  • English – SAP AS ABAP requires that you configure English (LANG=en_US.UTF-8) as the operating system language

Server Installation

    1. Login as root (sudo). You need to have the password of the root user at hand, as the installation needs root privileges.

    2. Ensure that you (as superuser) have the necessary executable rights:
      chmod +x

    3. Extract downloaded archive: unzip Make the extracted download archive available on the server.

    4. Go into the root directory of the extracted archive.

    5. Run the installation, using the command: sudo ./

    (We provide you with several installation options:

    • ./ – installs the Developer Edition in dark mode, the installer will configure the SAP system for usage of the physical hostname

    • ./ -g– will present you a SAPINST GUI allowing you to modify certain system parameters

    • ./ -h <own hostname>– allows you to specify your own hostname to be used by the SAP system

    • ./ -s – allows you to skip the hostname check )


    1. Read and accept the license agreement.

    2. When prompted for a password, enter your master password of the virtual Linux OX instance twice.
      (All options prompt you for a master password. Please ensure that the password length exceeds 7 characters, contains capital letters and digits but does not contain special characters. The installation starts the database and server.)

    The installation will take a while (about 20 minutes – feel free to get a coffee).

    If the installation was successful, you should see the following message:

    • Instance on host vhcalnplci started

    • Installation of NPL successful

Client installation (optional)

SAPGUI 7.50 for Java / Windows

If you have already a SAP GUI installation you can connect to your sytem. If not go ahead now with the client installation, available as part of the download. SAP GUI space in SAP Community leads you to more documentation around SAP GUI for Java Environment. Requirements for the SAP GUI for Java include: Oracle Java SE 6 32-bit or 64-bit (update 40 or later), a properly installed Java Plugin and C++ runtime

ABAP Plugins for Eclipse

Go to the SAP Community space ABAP Development and scroll down to "ABAP Development Tools (ADT)", where you will find download links and tutorials.

Post-Installation Steps

ABAP License key

  1. Start the SAP system:

    • Switch to user npladm with default password Appl1ance in the console : su npladm

    • Start the SAP system : startsap ALL

  1. Log on to the system, client 000 as user SAP* with default password Down1oad. In  transaction SLICENSE , ascertain your hardware key.

  2. Request the license key for your trial version at SAP Sneak Preview License Key Request.

    • Select NPL – SAP NetWeaver 7.x (Sybase ASE) as System ID.

    • Enter your personal data and agree to the License Agreement.

    • Choose Generate bottom right corner of screen.)

    • The web site automatically generates a .txt file for this system/key. Download and save this file, eg on the desktop for convenience.

  3. Go to transaction SLICENSE and install the license file:

    • In the tab Digitally signed licenses, delete the existing license, then choose Install. This opens the text file you got and installs the new license key.

Please note that all the above steps must be carried out; otherwise, the above user key will not work.

The system type changes to Demo. You can now explore the demo scenarios and develop using the ABAP tools in Eclipse and new features like the core data services or SAPUI5 UIs.

Renewing your license

Many of you have asked about this: Yes, you can apply for a new license. Just use the same procedure as above.

In theory, indefinitely, however, the ASE and HANA licenses last for about a year.

IMPORTANT: To use the developer key that we provide, you MUST delete your old license before you install the new one (as described in step 4 above). Otherwise, the system will generate a different license that no longer matches our pre-configured dev. key.


Proxy Settings

Make the following proxy settings (Oracle Virtual Box only):

Administering the SAP NW ABAP 7.5 Developer Edition

Starting and stopping the server

Terminal commands

With the user npladm you can start and stop the server using the terminal commands startsap and stopsap respectively or the newer sap control commands.I

Directories and Users

The installation creates following directories and users:

Created Directories:

Directory Size
/sapmnt ~  2 GB
/sybase ~ 50 GB
/usr/sap ~  3 GB

Created Users on OS level

The installation creates following users on OS level. During the installation you are prompted to enter the master password.

User name Password Description
sapadm master password Created by SAP hostagent
npladm master password SAP System Administrator
sybnpl master password SAP Database Administrator

The installed system provides the following database users:

User name Password Description
SAPSR3 master password SAP Schema User
sa master password Superuser
sapsa master password Superuser
sapsso master password Superuser

The installed system provides the following SAP users in client 000:

User name Password Description
DDIC Down1oad Data Dictionary User
SAP* Down1oad SAP Administrator

The installed system provides the following SAP users in client 001:

User name Password Description
DDIC Down1oad Data Dictionary User
SAP* Down1oad SAP Administrator
DEVELOPER Down1oad Developer User
BWDEVELOPER Down1oad Developer User

Uninstalling instructions

If you ever want to uninstall your server, proceed as follows:

  1. Delete the created directories

  2. Delete the OS users

  3. Delete the added lines in /etc/services (should be the last lines beginning with sap* and sql6* respectively)

  4. Delete the line containing nplhost in /etc/hosts

  5. Delete the symbolic link in the directory /etc/init.d/rc3.d in case of SUSE or /etc/rc3.d in case of Red Hat

  6. Restart your network.


Note: Since we now have 6 blogs referring to 2 different versions of the download developer edition, blog comments are becoming unmanageable. In addition, searching through blog comments is very difficult for other users, resulting in many duplicate issues.

From now on, please DO NOT post a blog comment if you require troubleshooting.

Please post on the ABAP Development forum : , using the hashtag #ABAP_Trial. I promise to work through the backlog here, but cannot answer any further blog comments.

In case of Linux problems read the Linux FAQ.

Thank you for your understanding.
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