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We've been running the SAP Community 2021 Answer-thon for close to a month now, and making progress on getting answers. We'd also like to see comments, up-votes, and any other attention to those questions now tagged with "ccat". [ ]. Today, I'll dig into the field of ABAPgit, or however you wish to spell it, starting with this tagged question:


abapgit unable to select any Branch for data package FLIGHT


If anyone is unfamiliar with the "FLIGHT" package reference, it's understandable as our time-out since early 2020 has led to many fewer actual air flight scenarios. However, if you're also unfamiliar with ABAPgit, this post my my pal graham.robinson has over 45,000 views:

abapGit – so easy


As a "sideways" approach to getting up to (takeoff) speed with a tool like abapgit, I like the idea of looking at the questions and answers and see who has various views and experience with the topic. Maybe on the Community followers/followed pages is someone you at least have some prior contact with, or maybe there is a LinkedIn channel. Even simply viewing the issues pages of a software repository can give a flavor of whether an approach is common, or rare. I would not open an operational issue through a github portal unless you have confidence of a bug or misfeature, not that you can't launch an app. (Me, I'd ask Gregor...).


The canonical software repository is


Also, with a home page of "". Over 7 years of articles and presentations are linked here:

Just the kind of community sharing that works best with initiatives like the SAP Mentors, Champions, and Tech Ambassadors.

Our intrepid o'poster got stuck on an install, where there are no branches. They followed these later instructions [ Getting Started with the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP) ] and are stuck.

What else would I find, looking at different angles?

The SAP Community site topic tag abapgit has merely 11 hits, while searching here finds about 100 questions. Via google, I get about 200 on the term ababgit. Gleaning from there, I found a related question on ABAPgit and the FLIGHT package:

SFLIGHT Tables Reference with Eclipse and SYBASE

This question has 3 answers and a few more comments (though I think one of the answers should have been a comment; maybe we can tidy that up meanwhile). Good answers; whether these help the branch issue I can't know.

There is a comment to the primary question asking for clarification (alas, unanswered from February 2021).
"What do you see when trying to select a branch in abapGit? Can you add a screenshot?"


One of the cool things about having been in the community for a few years, when I view these questions, answers, and comments I see names from the past, whether an in-person meeting, or a virtual collaboration, or just the name goes without saying (like when I see Thomas Jung mentioned). I spotted Craig Cmehil, Gregor Wolf, Simone Milesi, sandra.rossi and of course, our mutual friend Former Member.


Random exit link:

ABAP Code Review Guideline is out

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