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For example In CRM system tcode COMMPR01, there is a drop down list for Find:

I can switch on key display in drop down list via "Options":

After that both key and description are displayed:

And via the technique introduced in this book 18 Techniques for Locating the Underlying Data of a Screen Field written by Dennis Barrett, It is easy to find the database table which stores the description for search type key: but_loca_cstyt.

However in this blog I don't plan to repeat these 18 Techniques, but would like to introduce a new approach. When I was investigating the SAP note technical design, I observed the note attribute type name and attribute value are stored in database table  CWBNTGATTR:

I would like to just know the text for note category "A":

This time I didn't use traditional way in ABAP. Instead, it is show time for Chrome Network tool :smile:

Then I get answer. From Chrome development tool, I know the key "A" I saw in ABAP code represents "Program error":

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