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Those of you who have attended the SAP BC400 training course, which is the introduction to ABAP development, will start by writing a program that acts as a simple calculator.

It is based on ABAP PARAMETERS for inputs, ABAP WRITE statements for outputs , and is designed to show the basic constructs of most programming languages, introducing the concepts of modularisation, conditional program flows, error handling etc.

In the quiet end of year period, I decided to see if I could do something similar with more modern concepts.

The front end had to be UI5 based, and so the backend logic needed to be based on OData.

I already had a small SEGW project that I used for generating random Fiori Launchpad tile statuses, so I added a new entity to that project. The entity has three key properties, two integers for the operands and a character string for the operator, and a property for the result and any error message.

The GitHub repo can be found at

The logic for GET_ENTITYSET is to loop through a list of valid operators, and execute my CALC method with that operator and 2 random operands.

The logic for GET_ENTITY is to simply execute the CALC method.

The UI5 app was built by hand, as there was no obvious template. It consists of two <Input>s for the operands and a <RadioButtonGroup> for the operator. The contents of this group are derived from a property which is returned by the OData call, which contains a list of valid operators.

My second attempt for the OData service was to create a CDS view which accepts the three parameters and returns the result base on a nested CASE statement.

The view is based on a select statement from the T000 table, as this was the only table I could think of which I knew would always have at least one value.
@AbapCatalog.viewEnhancementCategory: [#NONE]
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@EndUserText.label: 'entity'
@OData.publish: true
@Metadata.ignorePropagatedAnnotations: true
serviceQuality: #X,
sizeCategory: #S,
dataClass: #MIXED
define view entity ZCALC with parameters
op1 :int4,
op2 :int4,
op :char1
as select from t000
// key $parameters.op1 as operand1,
// key $parameters.op2 as operand2,
// key $parameters.op as operator,
key '' as x,
case $parameters.op
when '+' then
$parameters.op1 + $parameters.op2
when '-' then
$parameters.op1 - $parameters.op2
when '*' then
$parameters.op1 * $parameters.op2
when '/' then
case $parameters.op2 when 0 then 0
// handle division by 0
else division($parameters.op1, $parameters.op2, 2 )
when '%' then
case $parameters.op2 when 0 then 0
// handle percentage of 0

else div(100 * $parameters.op1, $parameters.op2 )
end as res,

case $parameters.op
when '+' then
when '-' then
when '*' then
when '/' then
case $parameters.op2 when 0 then 'No division by 0'
when '%' then
case $parameters.op2 when 0 then 'No percentage of 0'
'Bad operator'
end as error

mandt = '000'

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