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The RFUMSV00 report program has a total 7 ALVs on the output screen, out of these 7 ALVs WRBTR colmn has to added on 1st and 3rd ALV.

HAN1 Output tax: Line items

HAN2 Output tax: Totals list

HAN3 Input tax: Line items

HAN4 Input tax: Totals list

HAN5 Tax difference: Line items

HAN6 Balance per company code

HAN7 Cross-company code balance

Step 1: To enhance the field Catalog use the BADI:  FI_TAX_BADI_014

Go to Se19 and create an implementation as shown below.

Give a suitable name as per the naming conversions and create an implementation.

Give the country name in the filter values, remember that implementation would be called for the value given here.

Implement the method MODIFY_FIELDCAT in the interface.

The code is as below.

DATA: LS_tab_fieldcat type slis_fieldcat_alv.

Read TABLE ch_tab_fieldcat into ls_tab_fieldcat with key fieldname = 'USERFIELDNUM1'.

if sy-subrc EQ 0.

CLEAR ls_tab_fieldcat-no_out.

ls_tab_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Document Currency'.

ls_tab_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = 'USERFIELDNUM1'.

ls_tab_fieldcat-ref_tabname = 'RFUMS_TAX_ITEM'.

ls_tab_fieldcat-do_sum = 'X'.

ls_tab_fieldcat-ddictxt  = 'M'.

Modify ch_ab_fieldcat from ls_tab_fieldcat transporting no_out seltext_m do_sum ref_fieldname ref_tabname ddictxt where fieldname = 'USERFIELDNUM1'.

clear ls_tab_fieldat.


Implement the BADI : FI_TAX_BADI_011

Give the filter value similarly.

Implement Method SET_FLAGS

write the below line.

CH_USE_BADI_11 = 'X'.

Implement menthod APPEND_TAX_ITEMS

for populating the values of structure CH_TAX_ITEM...

Code here to select data from BSEG based on BUKRS, BELNR and GJAHR and replace the value of the field USERFIELDNUM1.

Activate and check the same, the extra field will be displayed on screen.

Thanks and Regards,

Shitanshu Sahai

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