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This is a follow-up to my last post, where I talked about central classes to keep type declarations for an application.

Of course, I do the same thing for constants. I have for instance a class to keep some very central date constants:
class ZCL_ABAP_DATE_CONSTANTS definition
create public .

public section.
constants maximum_date type d value '99991231'.
constants first_day_of_year type string value '0101'.
constants last_day_of_year type string value '1231'.
constants minimum_date type d value '00010101'.
protected section.
private section.

Unfortunately things do not work as they do for type classes. I found out, that you can access constants of a class only using the public class and the static operator =>:
* Working
call_method( zcl_abap_date_constants=>maximum_date ).

However, if I create a short cut using a variable, it doesn't work (although this works for the types - strange):
data date_constants type ref to zcl_abap_date_constants.
data common_types type ref to zcl_abap_common_types.

" Working for types
data binary_table type common_types->binary_table.

" Not working for constants --> syntax error
call_method( date_constants->maximum_date ).

A workaround could be instantiate the class using the variable:
class app definition.

public section.
methods constructor.
methods main.

private section.
data date_constants type ref to ZCL_ABAP_DATE_CONSTANTS.

class app implementation.
method constructor.
date_constants = new #( ).

method main.
cl_demo_output=>display( date_constants->maximum_date ).

But as maxfreck pointed out, it's also possible to keep the constant class abstract and inherit a local class from it:
class constants definition final inheriting from zcl_abap_date_constants.

* Working
call_method( constants=>maximum_date ).
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