The Proxy is used as an Interface to transfer or receive from or to the ABAP system.
Depending on the direction of flow of data Proxy can be divided as
1. Client Proxy:
Proxy used for transfer of data from ABAP end. The classes generated when we create proxy will be for Outbound.
We need to call the method of Proxy class to transfer the data from ABAP end.
2. Server Proxy:
Proxy for inbound interface is called Server Proxy.
This document briefly explains the step by step procedure needs to be followed to pass data available in an internal
table in SE38 executable program to PI using Proxy. This is for Client Proxy (Outbound).
Step1: The Proxy Service Interface has to be created by PI consultant from PI side. This will further reflect in ABAP side in T-Code “SPROXY”.
Step2: Create the Proxy from T-Code “SPROXY”.
a. The Proxy created from PI side will be reflected with following details in SPROXY
(All details are for example please refer the screen shot 1 to check where it will be available)
Software Component: "Example 1.0 of INV"
Namespace: http://example/xyz/InvoiceDeltaLoad
Service Interfaces: “S168_InvoiceDeltaReplication_XXX_IB” for Inbound
“S168_InvoiceDeltaReplication_OB” for Outbound.
b. Proxy Name will be available once we generate the Proxy.
To generate proxy we need to right click on Service Interface “S168_InvoiceDeltaReplication_XXX_IB”
for Inbound and “S168_InvoiceDeltaReplication_OB” for Outbound and click on “Create Proxy”.
Fig 2
c. The following dialog will popup when we select “Create Proxy”.
Fig 3
As you can see in “Fig 1” the outbound Proxy “S168_InvoiceDeltaReplication_OB” was already
created so it is marked Green. In the Right hand side of the “Fig 1” we can find the Proxy Name when we
double click on the generated Service Interface. In this case since the Outbound Proxy was already
generated we can find the Proxy name of that.
d. The objects created when we generate a Proxy is as follows
i. Data Type
ii. Message Type
iii. Proxy Class.
Proxy Class name and Proxy Name will be same.
(For example “ZDL1CO_S168_INVOICE_DELTA_REPL”)
Fig 4
Coding required in ABAP end
Step1: Code to be written in SE38 to pass the data from internal table to the Proxy.
a. Following Screen Shot shows the methods available in Proxy (ZDL1CO_S168_INVOICE_DELTA_REPL).
Fig 5
b. Call the Method “S168_INVOICE_DELTA_REPLICATION” and Pass the data to the Importing parameter
of the Method. Below Screen Shot shows the importing parameter of the Method.
Fig 6
c. The Importing Parameter “OUTPUT” will be a Deep Structure.
Following Screen Shots show the deep structure of “OUTPUT”.
OUTPUT(Parameter) - ZDL1S168_INVOICE_DELTA_REPLIC2 (Associated Type)
Fig 7
Fig 8
Fig 9
Fig 10
“ZDL1S168_INVOICE_DELTA_REP_TAB” will be the table type of line type
“ZDL1S168_INVOICE_DELTA_REPLIC1” the Structure of the Proxy table to which the data has to be
passed. This structure of Line type must be similar to the structure of internal table of the program
from which the data has to be passed.
The Structure of Line Type “ZDL1S168_INVOICE_DELTA_REPLIC1” in this case is
Fig 11
d. Now before passing the data to the Method we need to pass the entire data available in the Internal table
to the Internal table which is of type, table type “ZDL1S168_INVOICE_DELTA_REP_TAB” explained above.
e. Pass the data from step d to “OUTPUT-S168_INVOICE_DELTA_REPLICATION- INVOICE”
(Deep Structure) and then pass the “OUTPUT” to Method “S168_INVOICE_DELTA_REPLICATION”
Sample ABAP code
Following is the Example code needs to be written in ABAP end.
Here it_fin_delta[] is internal table in which the data to be passed to Proxy will be available.
DATA: it_output TYPE zdl1s168_invoice_delta_replic2,
it_delta TYPE zdl1s168_invoice_delta_rep_tab,
wa_delta TYPE zdl1s168_invoice_delta_replic1,
z01_otc_delta_class TYPE REF TO zdl1co_s168_invoice_delta_repl,
z_otc_cl_exception TYPE REF TO cx_ai_system_fault,
l_error TYPE string.
IF it_fin_delta[] IS NOT INITIAL.
LOOP AT it_fin_delta INTO wa_final.
MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_final TO wa_delta.
APPEND wa_delta TO it_delta.
it_output-s168_invoice_delta_replication-invoice = it_delta.
CREATE OBJECT z01_otc_delta_class.
CREATE OBJECT z_otc_cl_exception.
CALL METHOD z01_otc_delta_class->s168_invoice_delta_replication
output = it_output.
CATCH cx_ai_system_fault INTO z_otc_cl_exception.
l_error = z_otc_cl_exception->errortext.
MESSAGE l_error TYPE c_e.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
MESSAGE text-i05 TYPE c_s.
WRITE: text-i06.
Issue which can be faced during development with solution
There was an issue experienced during the development for the Outbound Proxy. The issue was that the Data sent from ABAP side was getting stuck in the Queue. If we open the T-Code SMQ2 we can see that the queue is getting stuck and if we open the queue and process the data manually then the data was being sent to the PI side.
We have to register the name of queue which will be created and in which the data will be stuck when we try to pass data.
For example consider the Queue name will be “XBTS1254”. Here you can check that whenever the data is passed it gets stuck in queue which starts with “XBTS”. So we need to register queue with name XBTS*
1. Go to Transaction SMQR. This T-Code is used to Register the Queue.
Fig 12
2. Click on Registration. The following POP up appears.
Fig 13
3. Queue name: XBTS*(Example)
MODE: D (Preferable by SAP)
Max.Runtime: 60(Example)
Logical Destination should be Empty. Else the data will still be stuck in Queue.
Attempts: 30(Example)
Pause: 300(Example)
Scheduler Monitoring: 0(Example)
4. Once the Queue is registered with the name then the data will be passed directly to Proxy without getting stuck.
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