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Take a look at this:
Mr. Enfield returned: "But I happen to have noticed his address; 
he lives in some square or other".

"And you never asked about the—place with the door?"

Mr. Enfield's reply was: "No, sir;
I had a delicacy.
I feel very strongly about putting questions;
it partakes too much of the style of the day of judgment.
You start a question, and it’s like starting a stone.
No sir, I make it a rule of mine:
- the more it looks like Queer Street, the less I ask".

The lawyer said: "A very good rule, too".

Mr. Enfield continued: "But I have studied the place for myself".

The pair walked on again for a while in silence and then: "Enfield...
That’s a good rule of yours."


And this one
Mr. Enfield returned: 
"But I happen to have noticed his address;
he lives in some square or other."

"And you never asked about the—place with the door?"

Mr. Enfield's reply was:
"No, sir;
I had a delicacy.
I feel very strongly about putting questions;
it partakes too much of the style of the day of judgment.
You start a question, and it’s like starting a stone.
No sir, I make it a rule of mine:
- the more it looks like Queer Street, the less I ask."

The lawyer said: "A very good rule, too".

Mr. Enfield continued: "But I have studied the place for myself".

The pair walked on again for a while in silence and then:
That’s a good rule of yours."


This one:

vs this one:

The flow:


Now with code.

Don't focus on code semantics, but the visual representation. It is just dummy example, it's all about formatting.

The first examples, following Clean ABAP preferred rules:

and with helper variables:

Now applying refactoring -  Alt+Shift+R in Eclipse, some names changed:

the second with helper variables after name changes:

Now different style examples with line break and incremental indentation:

with helper variables:

Applying refactoring, names changed:

and the second version with helper variables refactored:

The last two images shows why I personally prefer using incremental indentation - no messed up code after renaming. Both styles are readable for me but this the second one without so strict alignment is refactoring-friendly, which is a very important thing for constant improvement of code and naming things correctly. I don't want to manually correct main code + unit test code + dependent code after each name change (and be sure that everyone in a team remember to "fix" code after his or her refactoring changes). This heavily right-aligned code is also hard to read on smaller screens in editors or webpages like version control systems.

Speaking of version control - here are diffs for the Clean ABAP preferred rule, after refactoring I have aligned all things again.

  • ABAP Git diff (where are my name changes?):

  • Bitbucket diff:

Now incrementally indented code - changes are visible clearly.

  • ABAP Git diff

  • Bitbucket diff:

Interesting video about this topic by Kevlin Henney (starting around 10-11 minute).

The key point from this presentation to me is that keeping the codebase stable after rather trivial refactoring operation is not conforming to a style, but rather to an invariant, a property.

There is also a discussion on this topic in Clean ABAP repo:


What are your thoughts, preferences?

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