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I've been doing quite a few upgrades recently. Here are a few tips.

1. Reset to original where possible.

Use version management to see if you can reset to original. This is should always be preferred over accepting the modification.  If a modif version exists, compare that to the last version before the upgrade. If there isn't a modif version, compare the active.

Notes in the list with grey buttons should also be reset to original. Remember that any object that is not set to original will reappear in the SPAU/SPDD lists every time there is an upgrade or a support pack is applied.

2. Checking tables in SPDD

Usually, the first entry in SPDD is all you have to check for tables, since in version management, it will give access to all the other associated objects - indexes etc.

1.   3. Multiple selections

You can select entries using F9, and then reset to original in one go.

4. Current versions corresponds to proposal

4.  If clicking on yellow button tells you that the current version corresponds to proposal, then reset to original.


In later versions there is an EnjoySAP version of SPAU. Since (at least as of version 7.30) it lacks all the old functionality, I've found it better to use transaction SPAU_OLD.

6. Speeding up note download

1.       If during SPAU you are prompted to re-download a note (for a grey traffic light), click on cancel* and do it through SNOTE instead – it’s considerably quicker. For a yellow traffic light do the same, but you’ll need to implement the note through SNOTE as well.

* Depending on what level of ABAP you're at, this may interrupt a "reset all" (point 3), but you can just reselect and continue once the note is downloaded.

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