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User defaults for multiple systems in one request

0 Kudos

Hi all,

On this thread, Madu explains how to setup user defaults in general:

I'm having difficulties understanding the logic if there are multiple line items in a request for multiple systems with different user default sets. The reason I'm having those difficulties is that the return value of the user default BRF+ function is a single text value only rather than a table to could deliver multiple results for different line items (compare this to the initiator BRF+ rule, where it is possible to return different result values for different line items).

Can you explain the logic of User Defaults for multiple line items with different systems?

If I set up the User Defaults and I have a request with two line items:

001    Role X   / System SYS1

002    Role Y   / System SYS2

and I have a decision table looping over the line items like:

System     User Default ID

SYS1          001

SYS2          002

the system will call the User Defaults BRF+ function. It will run through the loop for 2 iterations (as there are two line items). During the first iteration, it will set USER_DEFAULT_ID to 001. In the second iteration, it will overwrite USER_DEFAULT_ID from 001 to 002. Hence, the result from the first iteration will be lost.

The BRF+ function will report back to GRC only User Default ID = 002.

How do you deal with requests than contain multiple line items with different systems and make sure all the user defaults get assigned - rather than only one (the one valid for the last line item, incidentally)?

Thanks a lot and regards


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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello, Patrick!

I have the same requirements as you had. Have you solved the issue?

I tried to enable "Return all matches found" in the result data object. It does return all the matches if loop is changed a little. But my request stuck in this case. There is no error in SLG1 or others logs and a request doesn't complete. It looks like the program code isn't adapted to handle multiple results for this decision table or I've made some serious mistake in the BRF configuration.

Thank you in advance for you reply!

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Julia,

How are you - I hope you're doing well! I believe we've worked on the same project!

Unfortunately, I could not yet solve this problem.

I've also raised an incident with SAP, but so far, they haven't realized what the problem really is and keep referring me to the known SCN documentation on User Defaults, which obviously doesn't address this.

I agree with you: We can change the BRF loop alright (to accept multiple values), but if the code isn't prepared to receive an array of values, it's no use.

I'm a bit afraid SAP will say this is "not supported" and we should post a feature request rather than an incident.

Best regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello, Patrick!

I'm fine! Thank you! I hope you are doing well too! Yes, we've worked on the same project.

I’ve found an interesting behavior of the program code while debugging. Actually, no need to enable "Return all matches found" to assign different user default sets in different systems. But it works strange regarding to using line items attributes in the BRF rule. It looks like the code is focused only on a system level.

The method cl_grac_provisioning_engine=>provision_user_defaults for searching a user default set is run while operating the method CL_GRAC_PROVISIONING_ENGINE=> CREATE_USER. This method finds the proper user default set for a system and then a user is create in this system successfully. Then this method is called for another system. But I think the export parameter is_reqlineitm for the method provision_user_defaults is filled in a strange way.

For example, we want to assign different user default sets depend on added business roles.

We add three BR:

BR1 connector 1

BR2 connector 1

BR3 connector 2

System finds the number of unique connectors (in our case it’s two). Then it finds the last line item for each connector and transports this value to the method provision_user_defaults. The method will be called twice for BR2 and BR3.

Why is it work like this I haven’t found yet. Might you can ask SAP team as you raised an incident.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Thank you, Julia! I will reference this SCN thead in the SAP incident!