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RAR connections and background job setup

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I am considering connecting my SAP DEV environment to my PRD RAR instance for role testing purposes.

I am wondering is it normal setup to connect SAP DEV systems to PRD RAR?

Also I dont want to run background jobs against SAP DEV (as users have board access) and only want to run these against certain SAP production systems. However there doesn't seem to be a way to specify multiple systems in the background jobs. It is either one system or all. Can anybody advise on best practice in this area?


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I would normally agree not to point to prod RAR from Dev, but if you use ERM and create your roles in your DEV system, you need to have all your system connections the same (Prod and Dev). So we use prod RAR to run risk analysis on our new roles in Dev (from ERM).

Is this the exception to the rule?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Pointing DEV to Prod. RAR is completely standard if you either use ERM and/or Risk Terminator for role changes.

You just want to make sure you keep it out of management reports by not including the systems in background analysis jobs.


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For this case, our Dev RAR is connected to DEV ERM and Prod and Dev rulesets are in sync. We use a sandbox for all the ruleset, mitigation and Support pack testing.


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Thank you all for your feedback on this. Yes the reason that I want to connect DEV SAP to PRD GRC is to be able to analyse role changes. I was concerned about the performance impacts if I could not restrict the management reports from running against DEV SAP systems. However as this is possible, it allows me just to run these against the production systems.



Edited by: Gary McSherry on May 25, 2010 10:49 AM

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
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Hello Gary,

You can always run background jobs for multiple individual systems instead of running for all the systems. If you go to configuration -> Background job -> Schedule job. In the selection area where you give the system id there is a Yellow color arrow pointing East(of the screen). When you click that arrow a selection help should open up where by default '*' will be selected. You can remove that entry by clicking on Remove button. After that if you wish to select system A, C,D and not B for scheduling job, then simply click on Insert and then click on Rectangle icon to select the individual systems. You do not have to select all of them and can select any number of individual systems if you want.

Also, technically there is no problem in connectin SAP DEV to PRD RAR. However, normally PRD RAR is connected to PRD SAP only to allow for only productive data to be analyzed.

Regards, Varun

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Follow Varun's suggetion to schedule jobs for multiple systems.

My personal recommendation is not to point PRD RAR to DEV SAP system. Prod RAR should only be connected to all your production instances. The dahsboard report by default will show data for all the connected systems and your DEV system may have lot more violations/data then your production system which will affect performance and sizing of the PRD RAR.

