Borrowed these first few lines from Jim Spath's initial and nicely done video response...
Craig Cmehil Year End 2009, sharing! earlier this week:
> The idea is simple using "rich" media so audio or video make a post talking about some of your professional highlights for 2009, we all have mountains of personal highlights I am sure so lets limit these to the ones related to your professional careers shall we? Post it here by the 31st!
Well consider it Craig's fault then, but I thought "why not" and tried to create a video myself. Haven't done any of these so far, this is kind of the first one. I'll make it a 2010 resolution to get better in all aspects 🙂
And here's a picture of the mindmap I am using in the video, click on the picture to open the mindmap in another window, where the links will work etc.: