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Last year we asked thousands of customers and partners to rate SAP Best Practices and SAP rapid-deployment solutions (RDS) with the key question being, "how likely are you to recommend this?" Much like how the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) allows you to rate a movie on a scale from 1 to 10, we did the same. And the resulting aggregate star rating for Best Practices and RDS? 7.8.

So how does that compare to other releases in 2014? Not too bad, as it turns out. The Theory of Everything, the Oscar-winning biopic focused on the life of astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, also got a 7.8. Of course, if you're in the mood for some serious superhero fun, look no further than Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Want something for the kids? Then check out The Lego Movie. Coincidentally, both these movies also received a 7.8 aggregate star rating and both were nominated for an Oscar. So I like to think SAP Best Practices are in good company.

Fun comparisons aside, this survey conducted also told us much more about why and how customers and partners value SAP Best Practices and SAP RDS. We asked specifically about cost, time, and effort while using SAP Best Practices and SAP RDS compared to original estimates. And we also asked about use cases and project length to get a better idea of what can be expected. See below for the results.

As you can see, the trends help quantify just how much SAP Best Practices and SAP RDS simplify adoption of SAP solutions with double-digit savings across the board. But what about the savings more specifically broken out by topic area? We wanted to share those results too. Pick your SAP area of interest, and check out the results below.

One last point: while we are happy with these results, we are not slowing down. We are here for you and will continue to do our best to help you run simple no matter which SAP solution you use. After all, the 2014 Best Picture Oscar went to Birdman, a movie that had an IMDb aggregate star rating of 8.0. Next year, the nominees better watch out, because the winner is... SAP Best Practices and SAP RDS!

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Such a cool blog Elvira!!! Love the comparison to the movie ratings too...Yeah, completely agree with your statement...stay tuned for the cool RDS packages leveraging HANA Cloud Integration especially for the S4HANA integration scenarios and also for the SFSF integration scenarios!

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Thanks, Elvira! Indeed very insightful reference data and great success story. Looking forward to have soon a section on SAP HCM and seeing more and more of these results and demonstrations on how we help our customers in the Mid-Market through our partners to benefit from RDS in the line of Business HCM! We are all over it!

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Great comparison 😉

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Great blog and data! Would be interested to see if there is a significant difference on customers vs. partners. Is this data available?

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Hi everyone, Bob here from the SAP RDS team, thanks for all the feedback! Ulrich, I just checked the data on customers vs. partners, and it's not in a format that can be shared easily. But I do want to share that we had a healthy response rate from both customers and partners, and the differences don't seem to be too significant at first glance.

That said, this is good feedback, and something we'll consider taking a closer look at.

Hope this helps!


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