Based on your landscape or project setup you might have more than one Alloy landscape in your company. A good idea is to use one and the same Lotus Notes client in order to access multiple Alloy landscapes. But simply setting up a new Location in Lotus Notes isn't quiet sufficient to switch between Alloy landscapes. In order to switch between two (or even more) Alloy landscapes you first have to make sure to create a *Location* document for each of the landscapes. Make sure to enter the username, user ID file, Domino mail domain etc. for the new landscape. After creation of the new *Location* document, shut down your Lotus Notes client. As the Alloy client installation adds two entries in your *notes.ini* file, we've to do some minor modifications in there. Open the *notes.ini* file, which is placed in the installation folder of your Lotus Notes client, in your favourite text editor. Delete the two entries that start with *$NDERPMDWS_URL*0.1. *$NDERPMID* from your *notes.ini* file. Before we can restart the Lotus Notes client, we've to change one additional file in the file system. From your Lotus Notes installation folder, open the *framework/rcp* subfolder, where you can find the *plugin_customization.ini* file.