Well, they may not be secret any more, but the details still need to be brought out into the open.
Last month’s SAP for Utilities conference roundtable was titled “SAP’s Best-Kept Secrets for Improved Performance,” although with three speakers scheduled in a 45-minute slot, only a limited number of those secrets could be shared. That said, it's no secret that utility companies are facing a number of training challenges unique to industries with a large field-based workforce:
· Classroom training, combined with the costs of having workers absent from the field can be prohibitively expensive
· Off-site personnel tend to be independent, with their “own way of doing things”
· Sharing and sustaining best practices is difficult with only intermittent supervision
· High turnover rates demand that training be available at virtually all times and at virtually all skill levels (continuous, repeat and refresher)
When you combine those issues with a multi-generational workforce spread across wide geographical areas, shrinking training budgets, and a large and demanding customer base, it’s no mystery that traditional training is not the ideal solution.
So what is the best way to train, sustain and communicate with workers who are always out and about? Obviously, you have to take the solutions to them, where they are.
Luckily, there are an amazing number of tools available that put the power to learn more effectively in the hands of the person who actually is doing the learning.
Why is that more effective for field-based users? By ceding much of the control to the learner, you engage him or her more fully in the process. By assuming control of their own learning process, users build both confidence and competency. By controlling their own pace, they learn faster, retain more, and become more productive and satisfied.
That’s why SAP has created a set of on-demand learning and documentation options that are flexible, easy-to-use and cost-efficient in the field. Whether your utility is public or private sector, regulated or not, SAP has solutions to meet your specific needs today – and to help you prepare for tomorrow’s.
New tools like Knoa UEM, WPB, Knowledge Accelerator, eLearning, mobile learning, and other learning solutions allow for user self sufficiency, proactive performance management and knowledge sharing, and clear documentation and validation, wherever users are and however they choose to work.
Learning faster, smarter and better is the secret to achieving and sustaining productivity in the field.
Just so you know, here’s another juicy secret: Right now, SAVE up to 75% off standard component pricing on training for your project team, super users and end users. Fast Track Package includes e-Learning site license, Knowledge Accelerator and optional Workforce Performance Builder.
Promo Code: FT2H12. 1-888-777-1727 to book.
Terms & Conditions: http://bit.ly/VLZcy9
Aren’t you glad I can’t keep a secret?